Hi, thank you for taking the time to read about me.
I am new to 7 cups, but not new to helping people cope with life issues. I come with 47 years of life experience as an empath. And believe me, it took me a long time to understand what it meant to put up emotional boundaries. I still struggle with that from time to time. I was raised in an abusive environment, and married into an abusive environment. I've survived everything from single-parenting to substance abuse to stress-eating to suicide. But years of meditation, energy work, mental exploration, and learning to cope with everything that had happened on my path has left me with a lot of tools to help others, and the compassion to care about them.
I offer a judgment-free zone for anyone in need of someone to talk to.
For me, a successful life requires learning how to trust the path, love, forgive, and having techniques and tools to maintain a state of mindfulness.