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I'm feeling bad for NOT being into casual sex
Relationship Stress / by WaitingForTheSun
Last post
March 12th, 2015
...See more Hi guys. This may seem weird or lousy or whatever but Im really lost in this and I need help. Im almost 20 and Ive never been in any kind of relationship but I definitely want one. But I have a problem with my attitude toward sex. I've never wanted any kind of casual sex and I feel odd. I feel like sex could matter to me only in a commited relationship cause I find it very intimate thinkg. Of course I know some people dont think like that (even my best friend) and I accept that cause it's not my buisness but I start doubting if it's some people or all people and there's a small, odd group of people wanting sex only going together with love and they're called virgins. And that is not based on religion cause im not religious at all and I dont want to wait until marriage (though I want to get married) just until I know he really loves me and cares for me, is it too much to ask? It wasnt sarcastic, I am genuinely, totally lost.. I feel good with my attitude cause I feel like that's the thing I want to, not what is forced on me to do but I'm feeling alone in that matter and that Im hurting myself thinking that way cause it's getting nowhere. I feel like, and some people tell me so as well, I should grow up or stop dreaming or it's not XIXth century anymore. Also I keep hearing that "they're guys, they want sex (lots of sex with many women) and you cant blame them for that" but I think that they might as well well be sensitive and commited ones, or not? They're not just animals right? Should I just have sex with to maybe have one of them love me? I dont want that, I want it my way, is it so wrong? I dont know if I wrote all I wanted to say cause I have one big train of thoughts here but Im really lost and confused about the whole thing. What do you feel/think about that? What should I do/think/feel ? Im totally lost..   
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