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Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.




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Mindful March
Mindfulness Center / by SunFern
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March 22nd, 2018
...See more I came across to this really nice thing and feel that together we can practice these simple, sweet and really rewarding things this March. For each day of month, there will be one simple, little thing to do. You can do them in your own convenience and share your experience with us in this thread e.g. you can share how you felt, what you encountered, share a pic if you like etc. I will be posting the tasks for each week on the first day of that week throughout this Mindful March. (Source []) Week 1 (March 1- March 7) Day 1: Start today by appreciating that you are alive and have a body. Day 2: When someone is speaking, take a full breath before you reply. Day 3: Stay fully present while drinking your cup of tea or coffee. Day 4: Go nature spotting today. Even in a city, life is all around. Day 5: Eat mindfully. Appreciate the taste, texture and smell of your food. Day 6: Feel the cool of a breeze or the warmth of the sun on your face. Day 7: Look around and spot 3 things you find unusual or pleasant. @1AlwaysThere1 @303315 @awesomerainbow @adocker @adventurousfan @Ady23 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AutumnLeigh @amiablePeace77 @AMusicalSilence @astray @AnActiveListener @AjanMalic @aifos1976 @agreeablekite4304 @asilentobserver @alfalfasproutdeux @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @badoinkitydoop @basty @blueocean @BillyWilson @babybenfin @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @BetterTogether101 @billywilson @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean45 @borderinline @brainybrainy @BridgetAileen @brilliantTurtle89 @BuddhistDracula @blueDiamond @brilliomturtle89 @bluewolf1229 @benevolentOrange31 @bk20102kb @butterflycat @busyemptymind @callforhelp @calmHero86 @CaringBrit @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @Claito @cloudySummer @Zayb4you14 @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @CrissiArabela @courtmarievibes @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @DanaMH @diplomaticShade2167 @Deeperblue @diplomaticconfucious @discreetOwl14 @elmira73 @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @EmunahHere @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @Evaparker02 @essdee Fairhouse @FreeSoul1417@fighter23 @frozenmermaid @Gaara @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @happydandan @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfulBranch221 @Harleemoon @hopefulnatural @houserabbitsrule @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @hopeless104 @IcyLight @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @inventiveOrange1 @JayTheBird14 @joyoussun45 @JustMarije @keion @kindsoul10 @kirtokun0731@kevan @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @Joe2017 @JustLikeMellie @Jenna0903 @joyoussun47 @JenSee @Kanzi @KatMae @KokoroHereForYou @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn @kvo8 @KattPiper @Lionellinu13 @lia345 @Learntolive @LilaGrace @lightforlife @lilynoelle @LilyLila @lightofhope89 @Lovejoy @leothelittlelioncub1 @longing4peace @maibock @marsmoon @melliontm @melliotm @Mellietronx @Mikey123 @MistyMagic @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @natg @NevaehRose @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @onedirection1213 @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politelychaotic @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleSnowflake2310 @politeskies6536 @PurpleNina @rachelq @raspberry985 @Ravenclaw7 @Reokiome0928 @RoninSelecta @rosesway @Rcusick12 @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @sailorelix @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Saltydog68 @ Samar27 @Santysan @SarilinaN @ScarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @ShiningSalamander99 @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @singblue @Sk1ttles @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @Spearstar @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @starhawkemystery @sujaypai @SunFern @summertimesamness @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @24x7Awesome @Understandinggirl1990 @uselesscookies @Vargasb @victoriia @wildcat85 @Wawas @westvirginia @wizeakre @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim
SunFern profile picture
Use ABC Method with Distractions and Interruptions
Mindfulness Center / by SunFern
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March 3rd, 2018
...See more Distractions are an inevitable part of your day. Even if you attempt to reduce potential distractions, your thoughts, emotions, and unexpected interruptions can pull you away from what you are doing and disrupt your flow. However, you can teach your brain to automatically stop distractions from throwing you off track and hijacking your focus using a simple mindfulness technique call the ABC method. When you notice a distraction, begin with the A of the ABC Method. A represents awareness. This allows you to pause whatever youre doing at the moment and recognize the distraction. You might say to yourself, Here is a distraction, and I have a choice to make. B stands for breathing deeply and reflecting on your options. Do you want to deal with the distraction or interruption right now or dismiss it? C stands for choosing mindfully how you want to handle the distraction. If you choose to dismiss it, you simply refocus your attention on the task at hand. If you decide to address the distraction or interruption, you are doing so consciously, rather than automatically allowing it to derail you. source []
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Manage Time Well: Part 1
Student Support / by SunFern
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August 1st, 2018
...See more Time management is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks . Our lives are busy and getting busier everyday. Today working just hard is not enough, rather working smart and managing time well is extremely important. So let's look at some time management tips: 1. Complete most important tasks first. This is the golden rule of time management. Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first. Once youre done, the day has already been a success. You can move on to other things, or you can let them wait until tomorrow. Youve finished the essential. 2. Learn to say no. Making a lot of time commitments can teach us how to juggle various engagements and manage our time. This can be a great thing. However, you can easily take it too far. At some point, you need to learn to decline opportunities. Your objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for and that you truly care about. 3. Sleep at least 7-8 hours. Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to hack productivity and wring a couple extra hours out of the day. This is not the case. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. You know if youre getting enough. Listen to your body, and dont underestimate the value of sleep. 4. Devote your entire focus to the task at hand. Close out all other browser windows. Put your phone away, out of sight and on silent. Find a quiet place to work, or listen to some music if that helps you. Concentrate on this one task. Nothing else should exist. Immerse yourself in it. 5. Get an early start. Nearly all of us are plagued by the impulse to procrastinate. It seems so easy, and you always manage to get it done eventually, so why not? Take it from a recovering chronic procrastinator — its so much nicer and less stressful to get an earlier start on something. It isnt that difficult either, if you just decide firmly to do it.
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Take Effective Study Breaks
Student Support / by SunFern
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January 21st, 2018
...See more Study break has turned into a euphemism for procrastinating and distractions. That being said, a well-planned out study break does not have to lead to procrastination. Lets get back to what a study break really is and then cover a few tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of these breaks. The point of a study break is to get the mind rejuvenated so that you can refocus on the task at hand when its time to get back to work. A good study break consists of an activity that allows you to take your mind off studying and not use it for a little while. This period of disuse can reinvigorate your brain so that you are ready to come back to your work and attack it with renewed energy! How to Take a Study Break Make sure your actual study time is used efficiently: - You can use Brainscape []‘s smart flashcards on the web or your mobile device, to meter your study sessions appropriately and manage your learning progress using solid metrics & goals. You can also track your study plan and progress by using notebooks and setting alarms. - Set a goal for what you want to accomplish in your currently allocated study session (whether its 15 or 45 minutes), and dont quit until you reach that goal! When taking a study break, DO: - Periodically schedule breaks for short amounts of time in between your studying. - STICK to your schedule. Not a minute more! - Remember to EAT. Not junk food on which youll snack the whole time you study. But a take 20 minutes to cook yourself a real meal and sit down and eat it. Food for thought, anyone? - Take time to exercise! Exercising not only works out your body—it will also stimulate your brain, making your study session far more effective. - Read a book or an interesting article in a magazine unrelated to your test material. DO NOT: - Tell yourself that you will check your Facebook/e-mail for 15 minutes then take half an hour instead. - In fact, dont check your email or Facebook at all while youre studying! - Start a new TV show (especially the week before finals). TV provides an ENDLESS supply of material for procrastination. You will get sucked into a new series and then you will have to watch all 6 seasons, and before you know it will have been a week since you left your apartment, and your boss is calling you every hour wondering where you are. Enough said. - Do not take a nap for more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, you might find yourself spending more time dreaming about doing well on exams than actually doing well on exams. A study break is all about making a schedule and sticking to it, though there is obviously wiggle room. However, remember that when you need to get something done, leave enough time for it as well as for the down time you may need. That is the best solution! Source []
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Active Reading
Student Support / by SunFern
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January 19th, 2018
...See more Active and Passive Reading Active reading is involved reading. Active readers differ from passive readers in several ways. Passive readers read words, but active readers read ideas. A passive reader's goal is to get finished. An active reader's goal is to learn something. Passive readers expect an author to do all the work, to motivate them and keep them interested. Active readers are self-motivated, and they take responsibility for arousing and maintaining their own interest in an author's topic. Passive readers read without thinking. As a result, their minds wander, and they cannot remember what they have read. Active readers think critically about the author's ideas. As a result, they are more likely to maintain concentration and remember what they have read. As you can see, active readers are involved in the process of reading. On the other hand, passive readers are detached from the reading process. Studies of reading comprehension show increased rates of comprehension for students who use active reading strategies. To improve your reading comprehension, become an active reader. Active Reading Strategies Identify the purpose of your reading. If youve chosen to read a text to learn something new or to be entertained, you already have a general sense about what youre trying to accomplish by reading. But why might your boss, colleague, client, instructor, or someone else ask you to read a text? Knowing the purpose of a reading assignment will help you focus your reading. Youll also know whether youll need to read the entire text carefully or whether you can skim or pass over some of the sections. Formulate pre-reading questions. Before you begin to read, connect the topic to yourself and others. For example, ask: What do I already know about the topic? If the book was favorably reviewed or highly recommended, what did others say was helpful about it? If there are testimonial quotes on the book jacket, who gave those quotes and what did they say? Survey the text. When picking up a book for the first time, review the introduction and the chapter headings. The introduction should let you know who the book is intended for and what it covers. Chapter headings will give you an overall view of the structure of the subject. Skim articles and blog posts, too, to see how theyre organized. How long is the text? Are there sections divided by subheadings? Do sidebars accompany the primary text? Knowing the basic structure of the text before you read it will help you anticipate the content and provide structure to your reading experience. Connect your prior knowledge of the topic. You bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with you to the reading task. As you read, connect what you already know with the text. Read with a pen in hand. Put down your highlighter and make marginal notes or comments instead, either with a pen or electronically. Every time you feel the urge to highlight a portion of text, write instead. You can summarize the text, ask questions, give assent, or even, protest vehemently. You can also write down key words or bookmark the text to help you recall where important points are discussed. As you write, strive to enter into a dialogue with the author. Ask and answer your questions in a reading journal or on a separate piece of paper. Try changing the titles, subtitles, sections, sidebars, and paragraph headings into questions. Then answer them. For example, if you were writing a question about this article on active reading, you might ask and answer questions such as: What is active reading? Why should I be an active reader? How time-consuming would it be for me to be an active reader? Write a summary of chapter or a portion of text in your own words. Do this in less than a page. Capture the essential ideas and perhaps one or two key points. This active reading strategy provides a great way for you to be sure that you know what the reading really says or is about. Teach what youve learned to someone else. Teaching is one of the most effective ways to learn. If you try to explain aloud what youve been reading, youll transfer the information from your short-term to your long-term memory. Youll also discover quickly what you do and dont understand. Read aloud sentences and portions of text that you are finding to be especially challenging. Speaking texts aloud will increase your reading comprehension. Look for signposts as you read the text. Phrases such as most importantly, in contrast, and on the other hand indicate the relationship of one concept to another. Sources: [1] [] [2] []
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SunFern was just amazing. Not only was there when I needed it during the crisis but checked on me after and just seeing the mail in my inbox made my day better.
Thank you for everything, really.
Very understanding, great listener!!
Such a good listener. She gave me cookies, milk, cleaned up, and told me a bed time story. You're the best !
Very good!!!
It was very pleasant
Very open to hearing my problems and was very understanding
Very kind!
Very helpful.
Loved to talk
A very understanding person
Really kind
Very good at talking through a problem. Definitely calmed me down for a bad anxiety attack.
Very comforting. They let me get my feelings out, and is very kind.
Great person. Really professional. Will definitely make you feel way better.
SunFern is a caring and compassionate listener!
Very patient and understanding listener. I felt a lot better after talking to SunFern :) Thank you again
super nice person. will understand you beautifully.
One of the finest listeners I have met here on 7cups. You helped me navigate my issue without judgement, and gave me the time to figure out my solution. Thank you so much, I felt that our conversation definitely helped me tonight. I highly recommend SunFern as a listener.
SunFern helped me so much. Thank you for listening and I would definitely recommend them to anyone who needs help.
Helpful and caring.
Life saver.
Was very friendly, kind and understanding. Responsed to me very quickly and was very helpful :)
SunFern was very helpful and made me feel better. It was so nice talking to SunFern.
Very responsive, helpful and empathetic... great person...
Awefully kind and great help
Fern is incredibly patient, intuitive and empathetic. I had come here tormented by a myriad of emotions that I was not even able to articulate. I am now much more at peace. Many many thanks.
Had a great conversation with this amazing person. Made me realize some things that I overlooked in my life. Definitely learned something new. :D
Great listner very helpful
Very nice and helpful.
Very smart and nice!
I feel a lot better after I talked to SunFran. Very compassionate and gave consideration to my feelings which I really needed. Thank you very much :)
Useful feedback and good way of trying to look at both sides of the problem in an objective way
Amazing person,great listener and such a beautiful soul :) From North now known as Mel888
SunFern is a wonderful listener! Really helpful ❤
She's great! very sweet.
They are very good and supportive !
Very good friend..and very understanding too...feeling satisfied talking with you my friend.
Wonderful listener ! Loved them.
Great listener and shows attention
Really made me feel much better! I really appreciate your help!
Made me realize that i already know the solution to my problems.
What a lovely person. Thankful that they listened to me & that they were so caring.
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