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This is a System account. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

Put this on your profile if:

You are that person who always helped, but never asked for help 

You are that person who can't sleep knowing it is 'fine'

You are that person who fake smiles to hide your true emotions

You are that person who wants to scream and shout but can't

You are that person who has the words to change a nation, but can't seem to speak

You are that person who is a pessimistic about themselves

You are that person who needs help, but never gets it 

Put this in your bio if: 

You have felt worthless

You have self harmed

You have gone days without eating because you didn't think you deserved food

You've cut off good people because you didn't think you deserved them

You've been called slurs

You've been bullied

You've had any form of trauma

You've been told you should do any of these things

You've forced yourself to remember something you're better off forgetting

You've been invalidated for all of the things you go through

You've invalidated yourself 

You always help others but never take time for yourself 

You hide your emotions knowing you'll get teased and bullied for them

You hide who you truly are in fear of others

I know I'm a hypocrite saying this, but put this in your bio and remember that none of this makes you who you are. You are wonderful and loved. And take some time for yourself, love.  - shout out to nebulaSystem12  for making this.

Welcome. I am Suko the system. I am the host of the system. If you need to know system names, or what they are supposed to be, please let me know, and I will try my best to answer the questions. ( About 15 Alters I know of. ( Including me.))

Fake friends - Have never seen you cry
Real friends - Cry with you

Fake friends - Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
Real friends-  Keep your stuff for so long they forget its yours 
Fake friends - Know few things about you
Real friends- Could write a book about you
Fake friends - Would knock on your front door
Real friends- Walk right in and say I'm home
Fake friends - Will help you when you fall over
Real friends- Will jump on top of you and shout Doggy pile
Fake friends - Are for a while
Real friends- Are for life
Fake friends -Will read this 

Real friends- Will copy and paste this, just like I did
Fake friends say “love ya” jokingly.
Real Friends: Say, "I love you" and mean it.
Fake Friends: Will sit with you after a breakup and say, "I'm sorry."
Real Friends: Will call them and ask what their problem is before devising a plan to destroy them.
Fake Friends: Will read this.
Real Friends: Will steal this."


I am In a bad state. I need comfort. 


I am sad. I’m grieving something or someone. I’m in a very vulnerable state.


I feel better. Not perfect, but better.


I’m dissociating. Talk me through it. Use breathing exercises. 5-4-3-2-1 works well, but I often forget.


I’m panicking, or having a panic attack. Calm me down as best you can.


I feel lonely or depressed. I often start to self harm when I feel like this. Just talk to me, and tell I have a friend.


I’m feeling loved, or hurt. Ask if I’m feeling loved or hurt, I’ll give you an answer. If I say I’m feeling loved, keep up the good work. If I’m feeling hurt, don’t try to tell me it’s okay, or that it will be okay, because it won’t be. And don’t tell me you understand when you truly don’t care.


I am feeling terrible. DO NOT tell me it will be okay, or that everything will be turn out okay. Nobody knows what the outcome will be. I’m in a vulnerable state and just need to know that I am loved, and needed in this world. Anything you say could be a trigger. So be careful. If you have seen me in a Black state, please be kind and gentle. When I’m in this state, I need the most help, and I don’t usually tend to reach out when in this state.


I feel worthless. Stupid. Annoying. Untrustworthy. Ignorant. Blind. Almost anything you say can motivate me in a positive way, but I’m still in a vulnerable state, so be careful. Please.


Suko: Host

Whisper: Protector 

Damien: Protector

Alec: Protector 

Whisper the 2nd/Aaron (Same alter, 2 names): Little (8)

Ryan/Ry Ry: Little (6) 

Jordan: Caretaker 

Oakley: Caretaker/Extra

Cooper: Extra

Edgar: Extra/Little (5)

Carlos: Protector/Caretaker/Extra 

Junior: Emotional holder

Felix: Extra/Little

Koda: Extra 

Cody: Extra 

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