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667 M Embraced 5
PathStep 5 Compassion hearts19 Forum posts5 Forum upvotes8 Current upvotes8 Age GroupAdult Last activeMarch, 2018 Member sinceFebruary 12, 2018
I'm 31 years old - I have done a lot in my life already and seen more than eyes of my age should have. I have been the person that people come to and tell all of their problems too. However, lately, things are turning for the worse and the problems I used to be able to help with are becoming my own. I let my anger get the best of me without realizing why - becoming defensive when I know I should let it go and walk away or apologize. Life is throwing a slow ball for me when I'm used to hard and fast. It's time for me to find a new way to get a handle on things and I'm hoping I can find some people who are willing to listen to me and perhaps others who I can help in the process.
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