---Please NOTE---
I use a different listening talent then what most may be use to, I read posts by "Analyzing" them , by doing this I am able to come up with ideas on how to respond different from most, this is a talent that is normally used to look at data, game mechanics , spread sheets, it's not normally used to listen to people, I use it to listen so different perspectives.
---What I do---
I'm 27 year old male , who has grown up as a disability child and is still currently a disabled adult,
I have gone though many many hard-ships growing up, Everything from real life bullying to cyber bullying, threats, abuse, parenting and much more.
While I may seem young to some, my experience in the world has taught me allot, some say I have the wisdom of a grandpa (Lol)
I understand Disability, Anxiety, Depression the best, but that doesn't mean I may not be able to help you! I can assist with other stuff such as abuse and what not.
Please please choose a different listener if your looking for financial, bills, work stress ,
These are areas that I am terrible in and while you may wanna choose me, I ask that you give another listener a go who may be more fitted for these topics..
If you send me a personal request, please let me know what the topic is going to be, or whether your just wanting to talk, it really helps me understand what we're about to discuss.
---About me---
Now.. outside of this website, I work along side of many Charity's, I run a Social Media website , I fix computers for low income/low budget , I love lover bladeing and ice-skating, I am a big Anime fan, and enjoy going to the movies, I love going out to eat.
My two fav movies are Princess Mononoka & Spirited Away