Hello! I'm glad you've found me on 7 Cups of Tea.
I am extremely friendly and I'd love to talk to anyone who wants to! I like to support people struggling with anxiety, dealing with the emotions that come from traumatic experiences, family issues and self harm, but please, if you want to talk to me about anything, I am always here. No matter what you're going through, I'll be more than happy to help and listen!!
I enjoy reading, anime, fangirling, gaming and general nerdy stuff, tee-hee.
I've had quite a few run-ins with those lovely experiences life likes to throw at you randomly, and would like to help by listening to you. If I'm online, then please feel free to start a chat. If I'm offline, then send me a message and we can set up a time to connect. I'm so glad that you decided to come and I hope I can really help you and talk to you!!