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SarAnn profile picture
Bringing up PTSD in Therapy
Trauma Support / by SarAnn
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October 17th, 2016
...See more Hello all, 7 cups has served me well over the last year. I'm so happy to return & to be a part of this community. So, within the last 3 months my therapist has been bringing up trauma(I've been seeing her for about 9 months). Thankfully I have finally been able to address the ptsd comfortably with her(I've ditched 2 therapist in the last 1.5 b/c I didn't feel comfortable talking about it with them). The issue that arises: Sometimes when in session with her there are dull moments(to be expected) and that's when she wants to lightly tread on the ptsd topic. Because we do have the time during these moments, we should! Other times I have different topics I need/want to address and don't touch on ptsd at all (totally fine with me, ebs and flows). BUT I just can't get into it when she wants to bring it up. I shut down completely & say "not right now". Well, that's not therapeutic. I'm there for a reason, and it's not to run from the issues just because I don't feel like bringing it up. not every moment will be the perfect moment, but I know it'll help me in the long run if I follow her lead. Also, I have brought it up quite a few times with her and it went fairly well. It's easier for me to bring it up, and she knows this. I just want to be able to use the therapeutic space appropriately and not shut down--wasting the session and our time. She's very easy to talk to and approach, VERY professional, extremely caring, and certainly knows how to do her job. I could go on and on. I'm STUCK. Any recommendations/tips/advice to help me open up when my therapist prompts PTSD talk is welcome!! Thank you all <3
SarAnn profile picture
Plain old struggling
Eating Disorder Support / by SarAnn
Last post
February 25th, 2016
...See more Well, I saw this coming. I have fully relapsed and having to pick up the darn pieces again. GRRR. I'm down to 4 safe foods. What the HECK!? I'm so upset with myself! Things spiraled so fast this time. Hopefully I can stablize without needing a hosp. visit. I have a goal each week from here on out: introduce 1 more food for 2 months! I study nutrition and kinesiology, I KNOW I will start to come out of this funk if I can just really push through & eat more variety. Right now I'm stuck on all organic raw foods. Wh/ seems healthy & normal, but there's only 4 types of veggies I rotate through a week. Reaching out for some support at this time. Any words of encouragement are welcomed! Also, I'd like to know if you're in the same boat as me (ie. limited amt of safe foods, organic raw eaters, etc.)
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