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Something you did this week that you're proud of!
Positivity & Gratitude / by SHEVARI01
Last post
August 12th, 2022
...See more Sometimes we don't realize it, but there are many things in life that we do and give us comfort, keeping in mind that, even if there are different cultural and philosophical perspectives about life, most of them consider that the plentitude based on the personal grow and realization is what gives our life a reason to be, and the way to do it is by doing the things that gives us happiness the most. In this very moment, I want to make this thread to share and know what experience(s) this week made you feel proud of yourself, an experience you think that was a good effort. In my case, even though I've felt nervous starting the new semester this week, I registered in some pages as an English tutor (Ya que mi lengua materna es el español) and my brother helped me to recomend my tutorials to some of his former classmates that he reunited with last weekend. I feel fine with it since I think those will be my first steps as a future English teacher and how my brother counted on me for it ^w^ In case you tell that experience, feel free to tell why was it important for you or how will it be helpful for this week that just started. I hope thinking about positive experiences is also a way to start the week with a positive mindset, knowing you are able to do great things and can go for more, also remember that I'll be glad to read about your experience. Y sin más que decir, espero de todo corazón que hoy, mañana y siempre tengas una razón para vivir ^w^
Feeling overwhelmed by a burnout even though it's been months
Anxiety Support / by SHEVARI01
Last post
April 13th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you all are having a nice day... I want to contact you because I've been experiencing recently some depression episodes related to a burnout on my first job months ago, those memories tend to come to my mind at random moments, and when they do, I tend to feel as bad as in that moment. I worked as a customer support agent for a month and a half, but after the training I didn't understand much, everything was very confusing and new to me (To this day, I'm not really sure if this has something to do with my ASD), I thought I couldn't handle it to the point I got myself into a dilemma about risking my mental health but earning my own money, or feeling mentally stable without the earnings I wanted to have. I had some serious panic attack and during my first day of nesting, I told my trainer that I wasn't really sure if I could do it and if I could take some other options, but she tried to encourage me to continue. A month passed and I started to feel I didn't really improve or felt satisfied about what I do despite some good CSATs (I mean, common decency is the minimum request everyone must have to work anywhere), but besides that, I still felt confused about many processes and some people who called me used to tell me they didn't understand me and prefered to talk to someone else (I wasn't really sure if I sounded insecure, it was my accent, the internet connection in my house or my voice tone). Even though I had some previous (But brief) panic attacks, one day I couldn't handle it and couldn't continue working properly, I didn't want to talk to anyone (Only on the Zoom chatroom), my legs started to feel weak and felt some pains in my head and heart, two coworkers and my supervisor were the only witnessers and somehow, I felt sorry with them because they didn't want to see me like that either, but I couldn't help it, I'd feel so sorry if I'd see someone feeling like that without knowing what to do is a heave feeling of impotence. About a week ago after that, I decided to quit the job, and even though things started to go better emotionally for me (I even worked as a tutor for elementary and high school students online and they appreciated my work), there are sometimes I could feel sad (Because, let's admit it, it's normal to feel sad at times, it's a human emotion) those memories come to my mind and the physical discomfort comes back, and so do the ideas that I'm useless, impotent and don't want to talk to anybody near me, it has been happening frequently and I don't know what to do, I'm tired of feeling physically and emotionally bad for that after all this time, what do you think could be good to help with this? I'll appreciate your messages and support, because I know you have good advice. Without further ado, I also wish you a pleasant evening and remember to take care of yourselves ^w^
Had a bad experience months ago and I'm afraid it may happen again
Anxiety Support / by SHEVARI01
Last post
October 15th, 2020
...See more Hi everyone, hope you're having a good day. As the title says, some months ago, I had a bad experience related to some personal issues: >After my parents' divorce, we had to move to a house in bad conditions and humidity around the walls and ceiling, we haven't been able to move from there even though we have looked for a new house during years, and it's very frustrating for me knowing I'm the youngest one in the house and can't access a stable job to help economically. >I'm not really sure if this is a major part of it, but as I have Asperger's Syndrome, most of the things I do and say are easily misunderstood, making people very mad at me when I'm not trying to cause any problem, and that includes my family, it hurts me seeing them mad at me when I have no intentions to cause them any problem. >Last semester, I failed a subject and that made me feel bad knowing that I can actually understand the topic, but it seemed to end up wrong, making me realize that nothing I do ends up right, no matter if I understand or try. After all of these things, a few months ago, I ended up taking an overdose of pills (Sertraline, to be exact), that caused me a tachycardia and I was taken to a hospital because of that, I couldn't use my phone and had to stay in a room all alone (Except for when a nurse had to take a blood test from me or when I said I needed to pee) for almost a week. After all that, I realized that, no matter what happens, no situation deserves this kind of measurements and that it's very painful for beloved people to see a loved one like this. I learned a very important lesson, but after a few months, the situations I mentioned before keep recalling (We can't move, I'm afraid to fail again in class and my family sometimes get mad at me after misunderstanding some things I day accidentaly) I don't want to go through all of this again (Or even ending up worse) but still can't keep calm, I remember saying that I musn't die, but I don't want to live like this either, I don't know what to do, and I need your help and/or advice with these situations. For taking your time to read this, thank you very much, and I hope you can do great, whoever is reading this
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