Life is too short, and I want too much.
There are many things that I want to do, but also many things that must be done. I ought to prioritize things that must be done, but that means it comes at the expense of things I want to do. Never have I got so much going on at the same time. I cannot juggle them all in my mind, I have to let something fall. In the age of internet, things go all too quickly, I can't keep up, I can't express it to anyone, I might cry.
Even though It's vacation, it doesn't feel like time off at all.
25% of life might be over or more, yet haven't achieved anything. The pressing weigt of time gets to me, my body will grow old, and not be as abled as I'm used to.
The fear of growing old might just be the bigger enemy than the fear of dying.
In this all, my personal growth and my demons I left behind in the path of growth. I aim to resolve them all, give them a place, and be comfortable with myself and my capabilities.