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Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
I cant get past someone
Relationship Stress / by Oceanthinking8455
Last post
February 11th, 2022
...See more I had issues with someone, and shes not in my life anymore. But my brain doesnt let her go. Im still afraid if her and afraid of forgetting her becouse she was very bad to me and im afraid she will tell lies and manipulate everything in my life like she always did. But at some point she was nice to me so its difficult and i cant seem to let go becouse of the "before". When she was nice. Idk what to do
Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
Hi, bisexual problems
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by Oceanthinking8455
Last post
November 27th, 2021
...See more Hi everyone, i'm a bisexual woman, and i'm starting to think that maybe i don't understand heterosexual women, is that possible? Like literally its so difficult for me to communicate with them, like family member etc ... it feels so distant ... i tought it was just different personalities, but i'm starting to think simply that heterosexuals interact with each other in a diffferent way, and maybe im not understanding it. Like i mean subconscious things that are different becouse of the sexual orientation ... so the communication doesnt work ... it feels like we are talking two different languages and living differently the world ... and I'm not capable of living like them becouse im bi ... i tought sexual orientation didn't matter in the perosnality ... but i'm starting to think that the differences run deeper and manifest more than i tought...
Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
Girls are competitive
Relationship Stress / by Oceanthinking8455
Last post
November 25th, 2021
...See more I dont know what to do anymore. I have serious problems in relating with girls. They are crazy competitive and mean, and they are so fucking jelous and evil. I don't understand why. Im not a person who competes, and im really normal i think. As a person. But i am really finding it difficult to even talk with them. I'm seriously concerned about the way other girls can't communicate with me without trying to use me or bring me down. Im not talking about teen drama or things like that, im 21, and everytime they become jelous, and competitive and so toxic. I never tought it would be this difficult. Like women are still at that level? I tought we would be better, smarter, as a generation ...i really feel bad. It makes me so sad that its like that ... its orrenous as a woman to see other women treat each other as an enemy ... i dont undersand it ... and i dont know what to do anymore ...
Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
My family is all toxic and brother is so ******
Family & Caregivers / by Oceanthinking8455
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November 20th, 2021
...See more My family is just pain. I cant stand it anymore. My family ruins me. I hate them. They arent family anymore at this point. My brother, is two years younger than me, he imitates me in everything. He did it all my life when we were little, but i didnt understood really well, and im noticing he does it still. We are 21 and 19. He takes parts of my personality, and makes them his own, and if i say something with him or my parents they just manipolate the thing in "this type of strong behavior is for men" and im too masculine so he does that. Im a girl. And i have a strong personality. But im normal. In not masculine or anything. Im really pretty normal, most girls are even more strong than me. They just love to hurt me. He is a male, how can he even find something about me so masculine to emulate it? Im not capable of anything like that! Im just me! And i cant even comprend if a male can have such a fragile masculinity that he can consider to imitate a female in general, and his sister, like how does that work? I'm so stunned and shocked i dont even know what to think, or say. Im starting to feel desperate becouse anytime i show any behavior of mine, even just walking around the house, or being playful with my sisters, or anything i do, he does. He imitstates my sense of humor, anything. And i cant redo my usual behavior in the house, becouse my parents say hes right and they accept him. But they try everything to attack me. I feel so weird becouse its bad enough when it happens with a girl, (and it happens) but with a boy? What is even that? I didnt ever tought it would happen. Like its not natural at all. I feel so weird and shocked, and hurt. I dont know what to do. How can i deal with this? Thank you for anyone who reads, i really appreciate advices or if anyone wanna talk
Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
Help my mother is a manipulator
Family & Caregivers / by Oceanthinking8455
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November 14th, 2021
...See more Please someone help me, im so scared. My mother is a fucking manipuslator who gaslights me all the time. For every single thing. She is crazy. She uses crazy ways and tecniques, and im so exausted, really. She just manipulates at inimaginable levels. Im scared. Im so scared becouse im exausted, my brain isnt working well. She brings you proposely on that level. It's like that. She uses ways so evolved, so subtle. Its crazy, she just hates me. She's a heartless person. I really am struggling. I tought i found a way to talk without being manipulated. No. She does it. Every time. She corners me. Not becouse i don't defend or distanciate myself. But beouse thats her goal. So doesn't matter what i do. Shes always gonna aim for that. In too many ways. Becouse thats what she wants. Its so scary. Becouse sometimes i have to talk to her. But i'm so fucking exausted, sometimes i dont have the energy anymore for anything. Im not exaggerating it, in scared becouse i literally don't have any energy anymore. My brain can't grasp all that she's doing. Literally. I dont know how someone can be this gaslighting. This manipulting in so grand ways. She just fakes, fakes, fakes. Everything. Its like that. And its confusing becouse she does the victim so well and for so long time. That others believe her. So she puts me in a position were im obligated to her, becouse in front of everyone of my other familiar members, she's right, shees the poor victim. And they are also so manipulating. Like her. Im so tired. I don't know what to do anymore. I think shes narcisistic. A lot. I don't know what to do anymore.
Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
My family os beyond toxic
Family & Caregivers / by Oceanthinking8455
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November 20th, 2021
...See more Hi i dont really know how this works but i wanted to share my story, any advice or comment/opinion is welcome as long as is costructive and polite ... in my house, my parents abuse me mentally, from all my life. Thqy also abuse verbally ALWAYS, and physically its happened. They manipulate every interaction, every word, everything. Beyond normal. Beyond imagination. They just told me lies all my life. They hate me. From always. I don't know why. Always treated me bad anytime they could. And now that im older (im 21) i start to sense that my mother maybe is jelous of me. And is orrific and disgusting to understand. She envies me. And she hates me from all my life. Any interaction we have, even the most insignificant one, she finds a way to bring me down. With like one sentence. And im tired. Im exausted. Im not like her. Im not like any of them. From all my life. Its so weird, but that's how it is. She wants control, on everything. And my father is a big misogenist. He just doesn't care about me at all. He'se completely fake. Fakes in everything. But anytime i wanted to detach from them, they blocked me from doing it. With all the other familiar members. They have ways of manipulating, crazy ones. I also have a condition that makes my life difficult. A lot. So for me independence is a bit difficult to achieve. And they make just everything worse. I don't know what to do anymore. They still are jelous of me. And treat me bad always. I really don't know what to do. Thank you for anyone who will read this and give me an opinion or something. I hope it's comprensible, its really tiring even triying to explaining it for me ...
Oceanthinking8455 profile picture
Toxic family
Family & Caregivers / by Oceanthinking8455
Last post
November 5th, 2021
...See more Hi everyone, im new here and i dont really know how this works.
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