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PathStep 62 Compassion hearts20 Forum posts27 Forum upvotes37 Current upvotes37 Age GroupAdult Last activeJanuary, 2020 Member sinceSeptember 20, 2018
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How do you get through your worst pain days?
Disability Support / by MarchMint
Last post
November 9th, 2018
...See more //Trigger warning for death/suicide mentions// Some days I'm just in so much pain it feels like my brain and body are SCREAMING at me to kill myself. Like I won't be able to hold on for another second. And everything around me is suddenly frustrating and painful and overwhelming. How do you hold on when you feel like you're at the end of your rope because of pain?
Pain and relationships. How do you cope?
Disability Support / by MarchMint
Last post
January 20th, 2020
...See more I have ME/CFS and Fibro. I'm constantly in so much pain and I'm in a particularly bad spell now. It starts to really mess with me mentally and emotionally. I find that I'm so so upset at the people closest to me for the silliest things and I have to try and remind myself that it's just the pain talking. It's getting particularly rough with my partner. She's a very busy person and not in the best health herself. It's so hard to make time for each other and I find myself getting irrationally upset and unhappy even though I know it's not her fault. I was wondering how the rest of you cope with pain and relationships. How honest are you with your friends, families, partners, etc about how you're really holding up emotionally or when you find yourself getting upset? I'm so tired of the strain it's putting on all of my relationships. How do you all deal with your feelings when pain and limitations are constantly pushing them to the limits?
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