I'm someone who's had an extremely difficult life, and a traumatizing past. Notice how I say I HAD a difficult life. My life is the same, it's just my mentality and perception of life that's changed. I have a gift of putting myself in other people's shoes and understanding what they're going through. I've had no one there for me when I really needed someone. I hate seeing that happen to other people and that's why you're not in this alone. You're not alone. I care. I'm here. I use my experiences and valuable lessons I've learned to help others and I love to listen to what other people have to say. Too many people judge and discriminate. By letting me help you, not only do I get motivation to succeed and help others in the future, but I also improve my knowledge and skills on talking to others. What makes me really unique is that I've experienced very bizarre things, and well, life is a highway. "Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand, sometimes you turn your back to the wind...Life is a highway,I wanna ride it all night long." -Rascal Flatts