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Needs and Being Wise
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Support / by Kyuun
Last post
February 17th, 2023
...See more Hi all, I don't know if this will be of any help to anyone, but I have something I wanted to share. I've been trying to be sober for years, and nothing ever seemed to work for me. Then I started thinking about choice. Every day I am bombarded by urges telling me to make the unwise choice and I more often than not acquiesce. I felt it was nearly impossible for me to make what I am referring to as the wise choice. Then I realised that it's not impossible, it's difficult sure, but each and every time, we have the ability to make the wise choice. I don't have any tangible reasons for staying sober like family, friends etc. So, I looked into less tangible reasons, and took another look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I realised I have a few missing points in the pyramid, and thought about how to achieve what are largely basic needs. I don't get adequate rest, so I figured a good first step would be a decent bed, and not sleep on a mattress on the floor. To meet this need, I need money. To acquire money I need to stop spending all my disposable income on booze. So by aiming to meet my basic physiological needs, I am killing two birds with one stone. I stay sober, I get a new bed which increases the quality of my rest, and my rest in that bed is improved because I am sober. Doing this has actually given me some motivation, and I have done what I thought was impossible for two days now, and made the wise choice. This might not work for anyone else, but if you are looking for a reason to stay sober and are coming up short, give it a try. You might be surprised. I am right now pretty hopeful, and 90% sure I will make the wise choice again today. Each time we stay sober we consciously make that choice, the opposite is also true. Everyone has the option to choose wisely, not matter the situation. Peace
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At an impasse
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Support / by Kyuun
Last post
February 14th, 2023
...See more I am in a situation where I know I have a problem. I have known I've had a problem for years. I know I do it to myself. All I need to do is start making the wise choice. I am very isolated with no support structure, and I live in Japan, so getting professional help is difficult due to the language barrier. However much knowledge I have about costs and benefits, urges, thoughts etc. I still choose suffering over freedom nearly every day. I guess what I am asking is for advice on how to make myself want to make the sensible choice. I am dysthymic, have chronic stress and anxiety, and I'm pretty sure I have quiet self sabotaging BPD if that helps.
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