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Chronic pain Acceptance
Disability Support / by Katieee97
Last post
February 2nd, 2024
...See more For the last 4 years, I have had a chronic headache, with back pain too. I honestly can not remember what it is like to feel no pain. Back when this all started I was 16, about to start catering college. Up until very recently, I have tried my very hardest to ignore my health and have pretended to be fine. No many people in my life actually know or remember that my health isn't great. I try not to talk about it because I feel like it makes other people uncomfortable or I get pity. I also struggle to talk about it and never usually have a conversation about it that doesn't end up with me crying. I have lost a lot of people in my life because of my pain. My work have only just found out, because I suddenly broke. I managed to work 4 days a week after finishing college for about 6 months before completely breaking. I have had every test and tried every medication under the sun, seen every specialist out there - but no one can give me a reason for my headache or a name. I'm now at the point where they can do no more for me. All they can suggest is giving up my passion - being a chef. And learning to accept my new life. Im seriously struggling to accept that I have to live with pain for potentiality the rest of my life. Im 20, want to be working full time, excited for the future - not dreading what the future might bring. How have other people learnt to accept their pain?
Katieee97 profile picture
Chronic pain mood swings
Disability Support / by Katieee97
Last post
October 19th, 2017
...See more So I'm 20, for almost 4 years I've had a constant headache and neck/back pain. After years of tests and examinations the Drs can't find anything 'wrong' with me. Their only options are pain meds or quitting my job and basically doing nothing with my life. Im currently taking the last drug option available to me (all the others either didn't work or the side effects weren't worth the relief). I am taking nortriptyline. Throughout all of this, not many people in my life have much of a clue of what I've been going through. Half know I haven't been well and the other half don't have a clue I've got anything wrong. It seemed easier when this all started, to carry on like nothing was really wrong because this definitely couldn't last forever! I was so wrong!!! My family try to understand, but they think I'm lazy and can't be bothered to help myself. After my most recent treatment didn't work, and being told to give up my work and passion (I'm a chef) I've been uncontrollably angry, with huge mood swings. I literally have lost all control of my moods and can't even see I'm doing it until afterwards. I can go from super optimistic and happy to either super angry and confrontational or literally breaking down. I don't know whether it's my meds or whether it's just every bit of hope I had has been crushed. Has anyone else ever had anything like this? I literally don't know how to manage it... any advice would be amazing! 😊
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