Online: Most Tuesdays* & Sundays
Hi, my name is Jonah and I'm a recovering addict. The premise of this account is to connect with and foster some sort of community where we can not only share our stories, talk openly about our struggles, and hold each other accountable on this journey but to also offer each other some grace and understanding alongside that.
With all that in mind, while I am open to more casual chat, I prefer to take chat requests related to topics I have direct lived experience with. If you're looking to maybe connect with a kind, non-judgmental listener that shares similar experiences with addiction/recovery (alcohol/drug abuse) and doesn't act like 'their sh*t don't stink' either. Feel free to reach out to me even if my status icon is red and I'll get back to you when I can. If by chance I'm unable to, don't take offense, there are loads of seasoned and keen listeners on here who can.
I care about you, I respect your needs, and I want to listen to your story even if I can't always empathize. All I ask in return is that you approach the space with a fair amount of respect, for both me and my time, and I'll extend the same courtesy back to you.