I'm a graduated mathematics major. My main hobby is playing videogames. Some of my favorites are most of The Legend of Zelda Series, Hollow Knight, the PlayStation 2 Ratchet & Clank games (Those are the only ones I've been able to play), and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. I also watch some tv shows, but the only current one that I want to mention here is The Owl House.
I've had a hard time accepting that my struggles are bad enough to get help with at times. However as I've reflected on my life lately, the I've realized how much crap I've gone through. I know there are far too many that have had it worse, but no one should have to go through any of it alone. I hope we can all work towards making a world where no one has to do that and where as few people as possible ever go through the things we did at all.
My struggles have mainly come from a combination of my religious upbringing, my orientation (gay), and me being on the autism spectrum. Due to my upbringing, I was too afraid to tell anyone that I was gay until a couple years ago. Though their reaction was mild compared to what I was prepared for, it was hard to deal with my family's reaction. After I recovered from that, I began fully deconstructing my religious upbringing. Now that I've come to accept myself and have mostly finished deconstructing, I feel the best that I have about myself in a long time. My biggest struggle currently is trying to navigate the job market and begin my independent adult life as someone on the autism spectrum. It's been a difficult process so far and I've avoided it a lot, but I'm sure I'll get through it eventually.