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HobbitsandElves profile picture
Coping with triggers and roommate
Disability Support / by HobbitsandElves
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May 30th, 2019
...See more Hello all! So I have chronic migraine. Its mostly under control thanks to my amazing doctor and a variety of supplements and lifestyle changes. I was having 3-4 migraines per week and now in a good week Ill maybe get 1, if any. Well, one of my biggest triggers is secondhand cigarette/vape smoke and vapor. It can and does trigger a migraine and the prodrome is the shortest out of all my triggered migraines at around 20-30 min. My roommate vapes and she vapes in our dorm room (Im in college). Ive talked to her about it and her response was basically that I need to get over it (wtf) and that she cant stop (her words not mine). I went to housing to report it, armed with the no-smoke policy for the campus and a note from my doctor about my condition and triggers. I even had pictures as proof that she was vaping, dating back to December. They went to her and asked about it and she lied! She said that she never vapes in the room and maybe only did it once on accident! I am beside myself because nothing got done and shes still vaping and Im still getting migraines. Im at a loss of what to do now. Theres only 7 weeks left in the semester, but if I go back to 3 migraines a week Im gonna lose my mind and my grades are gonna suffer. Sorry about that. Im actually in the middle of a migraine right now but this was super cathartic to type out. Thanks for reading.
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Bad Pain Day
Depression Support / by HobbitsandElves
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January 29th, 2019
...See more So theres not a chronic pain community here on 7cups that Im aware of, so I came here instead because its kind of relevant to what Im feeling. I have chronic migraine with accompanying back pain and occasional tension headaches. Ive gotten all of the above mostly under control by using prescribed hormonal and vitamin supplements (due to deficiencies that I learned I had) along with monthly chiropractor appointments and stress maintenance. Today Im having a migraine attack. Because of the blessing that is my doctor, I have prescription painkillers to deal with them when they do crop up. But it still feels kind of like a defeat, because its kinda like Im letting the pain win because I cant control it. But Im getting better with it. Having a bad pain day doesnt mean I failed, it just means Im working through some stuff that I need to get through. To anyone else out there struggling with their bad pain days, you arent alone. Its okay to just lie on your bed and cry sometimes. Its okay to go out and do stuff. Just dont let the pain define you
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Doing Better
Anxiety Support / by HobbitsandElves
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October 12th, 2018
...See more So, this is new for me. Normally I comment on other forum posts instead of creating my own. I've created a couple of my own threads, but not like this. I just wanted to share with everyone that I'm doing a lot better. Over the past few months, my depression and anxiety were acting up. And boy, did they have a lot to say. But about a week ago, I started getting better. I don't know why and I don't particularly care. I just know that I'm getting better. My stress is way down and my anxiety too. My depression is more like a small little cloud following me around instead of a thunderstorm where I have no umbrella. I'm trying to be more optimisitc and focus on the good instead of the bad. I'm taking more time for myself instead of overextending myself trying to help everyone else. I started talking about the problems that I've been facing more with people I trust rather than just keeping it in. I still have bad days. I still have days where the last thing I want to do is face the world, but I still do it. But here's to having more and more good days over time.
HobbitsandElves profile picture
Feeling worthless and unmotivated
Depression Support / by HobbitsandElves
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September 22nd, 2018
...See more Hey everyone. I'm not doing great right now. My depression reared its ugly head a couple days ago and I've been fighting it as best I can, but my normal coping mechanisms aren't working. Exercising didn't help. Yoga didn't help. Watching a movie didn't help. Heck, even doing what I love, filmmaking, didn't help. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'll never be good enough, and the age disconnect between me and my friends has felt a lot more pronounced lately. Just so everyone knows, I'm 17 and the youngest of my friends is 19 while the oldest is 28. It gets really hard to connect with them sometimes and I sometimes feel like they don't take me seriously because I'm so young. I feel like all of them are leaps and bounds ahead of where I'm at in regards to filmmaking and I can't help but feeling like a failure. I put on a brave face during the day, but when I'm alone, it gets really hard to do anything except sit and be numb. I should probably talk to a therapist, because this is something that I've been dealing with for a few years now, but I can't afford both a therapist and university. Which is really sad, because I know I need help, but I don't have the means to do so. Something that did help a little today is listening to one of my favorite bands, Shinedown, and the songs from the ATTENTION ATTENTION album. Particularly Get Up and Brilliant, but songs only get me so far. I just wish I could go back to the way I was a couple weeks ago; content and excited for the future. But I don't know if I can even find the motivation to do even the things I love. This too, will pass. I know that. It always does. But this time feels harder. And I don't know if I could tell you why. Thanks for reading. It helps knowing that someone, somewhere, understands.
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Anxiety about college
Anxiety Support / by HobbitsandElves
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September 4th, 2018
...See more Hello there! I need to vent a little, so here goes. I've been feeling really anxious about school lately and I have no idea why. This is my second year of college and I actually have fewer classes than I did last year. I think that maybe one of the reasons that I'm so stressed is that I feel like I should be doing more to keep myself occupied. Whenever I find myself stagnating, I always get more stressed. I don't know if anyone else has been through this, but if you have, what did you do to help it? I'd love to hear what ya'll have to say.
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