Welcome to my profile below you can find out some things about me ❤️
My name is Harvey, I've been a mental health advocate for 6 years, I am a verified listener here at 7cups.
Why don't you drop me a message and I'll get back to you, check out our community page for extra support while waiting for one of our wonderful listeners to answer your requests, thank you for your patience.
Shift statuses
🟢Green- Actively taking chats, Please note I only take three chats at once so I am sorry that I usually don't stay green for long
🟠Orange- Busy, This means I am in an appointment and/or I have reached capacity for that sitting please check back later.
🔴 Red- Inactive/Offline, This means you have found me at my none shift times' please leave a message
(Capacity per sitting is 3 people)
Thank you, sending love.💖