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PathStep 13 Compassion hearts54 Forum posts8 Forum upvotes31 Current upvotes31 Age GroupAdult Last activeJuly, 2024 Member sinceDecember 12, 2023

Im no licensed therapist, just experienced in pain

The things I post may never go viral, the words I write will probably only be seen & appreciated by a few.. but if someone can take one or two things away from what I have to say that’s all that matters. My thoughts are unorganized, my brain is messy, I don’t have the answer on how to change your life. What I can offer to you is support, understanding, love & and words of encouragement. I dare you to open your mind, to try something new. If you want something you’ve never had you had to do something you’ve never done. The courage & strength is already inside of you. The person you want to become is, too. Ask yourself if you’re willing to lose people & things you “think” you want & need in order gain what is meant for you. Stop trying to FIND yourself & start RECREATING yourself. The only person in the way of becoming your best self is you. ❤️

Recent forum posts
Actually, Life Is Beautiful and I Have Time.
Motivation & Accountability / by Galaxymermaid6
Last post
December 21st, 2023
...See more It’s so easy to get caught up in day to day life that we get stuck on auto pilot without even realizing it. Between work life, house chores, & trying to get everything in between caught up & together, we tend to overlook the things that really matter.  Feeding Our Souls.  When’s the last time you did something for yourself? Think about the things or places that bring out the best version of yourself. How often do you put off self care because you’re “too busy”?  The older I get, I realize seconds are flying by like months. When I’m feeling down, I know my soul is hungry. I feed mine by spending time in nature, sitting by the ocean connecting with the universe, and I notice my self awareness grows stronger again & im able to actually be present in the moment, in the now. Life is too short to just exist, so start living.   The dishes can wait. You can fold the clothes later. Go explore this beautiful world & enjoy the little things about life that gives you goosebumps & butterflies. 
Actually, life is beautiful and I have time.
Positivity & Gratitude / by Galaxymermaid6
Last post
December 20th, 2023
...See more It’s so easy to get caught up in day to day life that we get stuck on auto pilot without even realizing it. Between work life, house chores, & trying to get everything in between caught up & together, we tend to overlook the things that really matter.  Feeding Our Souls.  When’s the last time you did something for yourself? Think about the things or places that bring out the best version of yourself. How often do you put off self care because you’re “too busy”?  The older I get, I realize seconds are flying by like months. When I’m feeling down, I know my soul is hungry. I feed mine by spending time in nature, sitting by the ocean connecting with the universe, and I notice my self awareness grows stronger again & im able to actually be present in the moment, in the now. Life is too short to just exist, so start living.   The dishes can wait. You can fold the clothes later. Go explore this beautiful world & enjoy the little things about life that gives you goosebumps & butterflies. 
Dear reader who may be struggling…
Motivation & Accountability / by Galaxymermaid6
Last post
December 22nd, 2023
...See more Reaching out for help & support does not make you weak, it shows courage & that you are willing to better yourself & try something new. Do more things you love, that make you feel alive. We spend so much time stressing over the future & dwelling about the past that we’re missing out on the present moment, which should be used to create & enjoy the life we want & deserve. It’s okay to be sad, to cry, to lose ourself for awhile. Let yourself feel it, grieve whatever or whoever it is that is causing you pain, then breathe & let it go. Take the time you need but learn from it, it happened so that you can grow into the person you’re supposed to be. The best version of you is already inside of you, just waiting for you to realize your self worth & take action to becoming who your meant to be. One day you will look back & understand why certain things didn’t work out, things you thought you always wanted were replaced with things you never dreamed possible. The wounds you thought would never heal built a person you never dreamed of becoming. The nights you thought you’d never make it through have turned into years you fought through.. time goes by & one day it hits you.. You overcame obstacles even when you didn’t know how you did it.. You’re a survivor. The fighter was always in you. You held on, and you made it. 💫
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