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FrostFeather profile picture
College is a Bureaucratic Nightmare
Student Support / by FrostFeather
Last post
March 29th, 2023
...See more I... don't know what to do. This isn't the first (or even the third) time I've been denied a degree due to red tape, but this is the most... stupid. Background: I've taken a higher-level course at a college without taking it's prerequisite course due to originally being a transient student (I fulfilled previous college's requirements for prerequisite course already without having to take the class). I'll call this course Intro to English. I'm currently trying to get an associates degree at current college, and the only thing standing between me and a degree is the Intro to English I course. Just this class, and nothing else. I have already taken the Intro to English II course at this exact same college (and passed the class with an A). Since Intro to English I course is the prerequisite for the Intro to English II course and the classes are similar, you'd think that taking Intro to English I would be a moot point, right? WRONG. My current college says it's requirement that I don't have, therefore I do not fill all the requirements for the degree, therefore no degree. They won't waive the course! I've tried dredging up AP credits to fulfill it, but they don't qualify! I have nothing! I've been struggling to get a degree for over a decade. I'm so ravaged by burn-out that I can't bear taking one more class or even the placement test. I just can't fight the red tape anymore... Why won't they just give this to me...?
FrostFeather profile picture
Why do I have to do everything?
Relationship Stress / by FrostFeather
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November 29th, 2022
...See more I'm really frustrated. For my entire life, I've been dragging everyone around, sometimes practically by the neck, to do anything; get-togethers, projects, family gatherings, work functions, book club, R&R, etc. For the past few years, I stopped reaching out to friends and family to focus on my own life. I still talk to them and visit on a regular basis, but I don't go out of my way to do these things for them anymore. Unsurprisingly, no one has lifted a finger to even contact me for the past few years. I don't understand why I have to initiate everything. I've asked them to please call me or something once in a while, but it never happens. I've dragged a lot of my friends through hard times in their lives to success. I helped them at heavy cost to myself, but none of them have ever returned the favor, despite knowing I struggle a lot in my own life. Now, I'm exhausted and depressed, my friends and family know it, and still I am ignored. It's like they forget I exist until I remind them that I do.
FrostFeather profile picture
I never meet anyone's expectations, not even my own
ADHD Support / by FrostFeather
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September 26th, 2022
...See more I recently quit my job and dropped out of college. After over a decade of struggling to get a degree, I have no interest in ever returning to college. I'm extremely burnt-out and I am now aware that I was getting bullied at work. I basically do not enjoy life at all anymore, so I decided to stop torturing myself. I don't have a clear plan of what job I want to settle on for the rest of my life, but I have an idea. It's better than staying in school, for me anyway. It's hard enough as it is already, but now my parents are piling it on. I knew they would be angry, but I hoped they wouldn't retaliate against me. They're already threatening to throw me out. They keep insisting that I "don't know the ramifications of what I've done", which I find insulting. I told them I knew and it was a difficult decision, but I had to or I would've had a complete breakdown. I can't destroy myself as a person just for a degree. They say they had everything so much harder, how no one ever helped them succeed in life, and that I should be treated the same way. It's not fair. I have issues; I can't function on the level they can, but that doesn't matter in the real world. My parents have this thing where they have this preconceived notion of who I am, but if I don't act consistent with that, then I am wrong about whatever, be it positive or negative. It's really suffocating. They keep saying I won't have enough money to support myself, despite the career they pre-approved to have notoriously bad pay. I think the most important thing for me is finding an actual job, not a degree, that I can tolerate. They just refuse to understand, and I'm absolutely helpless.
FrostFeather profile picture
Ruining my own life
Personality Disorders Support / by FrostFeather
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June 18th, 2022
...See more I started a new job a month ago, but I don’t think I can stay any longer. I was so excited at first because this is my dream job. I’ve been working towards getting this job for years. Now, I’m absolutely miserable because my ability to control myself and my emotions is getting worse, so I’ve been making stupid and dangerous decisions while working. All my coworkers are obviously uncomfortable around me because of my extreme stress, and now they’re getting angry and passive-aggressive at me because of my stupid stunts. I try not to do stupid things, but I genuinely lose control at times. This job is what I’ve always wanted, but I shouldn’t be here. I tried so hard, but I can’t handle it. I’m going to have a meltdown in front of all my coworkers at this rate.
FrostFeather profile picture
Parents don’t respect my autonomy
Family & Caregivers / by FrostFeather
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April 24th, 2022
...See more I am an adult that has the misfortune of not yet having the means to live on my own. I would consider it fortunate if not for my parents’ authoritarian treatment. It’s like they don’t understand I’m an adult and instead continue to treat me like a child. They continue to think they know better than me, and I have no option to just ignore their “advice”. They force me to think that they know best. They even reprimand me for things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. It’s none of their business; I have no idea why they think it’s necessary to make my problems their problems. They believe what they’re doing so strongly that they will hold me at metaphorical gunpoint until I accept what they say. It’s degrading and terrifying. I think I would know myself and my life better than anyone. I don’t know if they think they’re helping or if they think I “need to be taken down a peg”. They’ve reduced my self-esteem to the point where I get anxiety attacks at the drop of a hat. They think it’s caused by the generalized anxiety disorder that I don’t have nor have I been diagnosed with, but I’m actually suffocating from fear and frustration!
FrostFeather profile picture
Out of control with self-loathing
Anxiety Support / by FrostFeather
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May 12th, 2022
...See more I hate myself so much that I basically hold grudges against myself. I berate myself constantly; it seems like every other thing I do or say turns into a disaster. I was able to tolerate my own crap for a while, but over the past year I’ve been getting debilitating anxiety attacks, and lately they’ve gotten to be paralyzing. It’s like certain parts of my brain stop functioning for a while; like I can still speak but I’m unable to say the most important thing relevant to the moment. It’s only a matter of time before I no longer can function as a person. I’m so miserable, but how can I help myself if I absolutely hate my own guts? I try therapy, but I’m just incapable of internalizing it. I don’t know what to do. I’m going to destroy myself if I don’t do something soon.
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