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857 M Little Steps 1
PathStep 27 Compassion hearts23 Forum posts11 Forum upvotes23 Current upvotes23 Age GroupAdult Last activeDecember, 2017 Member sinceFebruary 7, 2016
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Rapid Change
Relationship Stress / by Fraolboint
Last post
July 21st, 2016
...See more It's been 2 weeks since my life turned upside down. In the middle of the night my fiancé (been with for 5 and a half years, lived together for 3 years and engaged for a year and a half) told me he didn't love me. It devastated me and broke my heart. He promised to give me a week, to see if we could bring back the love but the next night he said we wanted space and asked me to leave for a week. I agreed but before the week was over he changed his mind again and told me this would be permanent. We have 4 pets together and a car, we built a life together and he ended it without giving me a say. When we decided to move in together, get pets, get a car... etc we always promised to never walk away. But he did, completely out of the blue. I lost everything in my life that was important to me, he was the love of my life, my best friend, my partner in all things. I lost my home, my pets, even a great friend who took his side. We're still trying to be friends for the sake of the pets and mutual friends but it's very hard, not because I still love him but because he's not the same man I fell in love with. He's mean, and sometimes cruel. He doesn't care about me at all and he is reckless. Every day it gets easier because I don't recognize him. Now the only thing I miss is the relationship and partnership, coming home to someone who loves you, someone to hold you and kiss you when you've had a bad day. I'm not even really looking for advice, I really just needed to get this off my chest.
Feeling Lost In A Sea Of Support
Personality Disorders Support / by Fraolboint
Last post
March 22nd, 2016
...See more Every day has been a struggle since I started experiencing Mental Illness. I had severe Anxiety as a kid and depression in my early teens. Since mental illness runs in my family I assumed it was just who I was. It wasn't until recently I found out they were purely symptoms of a bigger problem. The diagnosis came as a surprise, but a welcome one. Assigning a name to the mess of emotions inside my head made me feel hope, it made me feel less crazy. It's only been a few months and I haven't seen a big difference. I haven't worked in over a year and I can't drive, these cause so much stress I become physically ill. I live with my fiancé and he lost his job back in October. We've been surviving on his EI alone for months now, behind in all our bills and going into collections. Paying for my medication is stressful and I am down to only 1 or 2 outfits I can actually wear. We've been talking about the need for him to get a job for a while but he puts no effort into finding one. He won't even call his previous employer ( great hours and great pay) because he felt undervalued there. I asked him if he would work there for a month while we continue to look for another job and he kind of dismissed the idea. These financial issues are causing me incredible amounts of stress the point I am physically sick and even my period is late (common side effect of stress). But I can't get mad at him because I'm not working. What can I do?
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Sharing your depressive thoughts and feelings may be scary and overwhelming, so...
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