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'We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep' The Tempest, Act IV Scene I - William Shakespeare
Hi guys, I'm Fairy
(previously PinkBluebells ;) )
I'm 20, currently living with my partner in Scotland. I adore acting and Shakespeare. I'm always here to listen to you if you need help
(with the help of my trusty turtle companion, Flash 🐢), as I believe everyone needs a chance to talk to someone, to know they're not alone and are important.
I'm sorry if I can't answer your personal request right away- if I don't reply, I'm usually modding or offline. But leave me an offline message but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Oh, and if you're looking for helpful links for distractions and interesting websites, check out my guide!!
~ ~
Someone is out there for you, keep going. Love yourself and stay strong. And treat yourself as much as you want bc you're the only person you should be living for :D
Recent forum posts
Pink's Amazingly Awesome List of Links and Distractions PART TWO 🐢
Self-Harm Recovery / by Fairy
Last post
May 28th, 2015
...See more So, seeing as my last forum post seemed so useful to quite a few members (you can find it HERE: []) So, as before, I've highlighted my favourites, and links/methods I've found particularly useful/interesting in GREEN, the others are simply highlighted in pinky/purple: I hope you find some use out of some of these links!! This time, I've separated the different links in to catagories, as  you'll see below- *Peter Pan voice* here we go!!! 🐢🌸🌸 Random Links 🌸🌸 I'll start off with all the random ones I've compiled and that you guys have given me: [] - this website basically converts the time to colour. Every second, the background changes to suit the time, and you can see as it slowly begins to's oddly calming to watch.. [] - in this website, a massive killer whale just follows your mouse/pointer around the screen. Do not click if you are not a fan of big graphics/whales etc. [] - this one basically tells you whether it's Christmas or not. Very useful if you often forget if it's Christmas or not [] - This website takes you to lots of random, useless websites *epilepsy warning* some of the sites contain a LOT of flashing images and colours, so click at your own risk [] - Make a 3D line travel wherever your mouse goes- also, oddly calming [] - Really simple game, reminds me a lot of geometry wars (for you oldies) or snake (for you not-so-oldies)   🌙💤 Sleep Issues? 💤🌙Here are some links to help you with sleeping better at night :) - [] - 8 hour Sleep music for insomniacs [] - Guided meditation for insomniacs for a better night's sleep [] - Coping with nightmares- a short guide which tells you how to deal with nightmares [] - A simple little Wikihow which also gives you ways to cope with nightmares, if the other link isn't much use,,20628881_2,00.html [,,20628881_2,00.html] - Best and worst foods to eat before trying to sleep 🎵Uncomfortable with silence?🎵 Look at the links on my other post, or take a peek at some of these new ones: [] - Calming human heartbeat [] - Rainforest sounds [] - Autumn rain/sounds [] - Sound of rain on a tin roof [] - Cafe sounds, rain sounds- or both!! 💢Anxiety💢 Now I know how big a topic this is, and I know I have barely scratched the surface- but hopefully some of these links might help you [] - How to stop worrying (or at least begin to think about doing so) - lots of detail and professional advice for you to use [] - Tips to help manage anxiety and stress (another professional site which focuses on anxiety and stress) [] - The simplest, easiest but debatably the best way to manage anxiety [] - One for people who have friends/loved ones with anxiety- how you can help reach out to them and show them you understand [] - 8 complete MYTHS about anxiety that people NEED to stop believing!! 💧👎Sad, angry or depressed?👎💧 As again, a hugggee topic I couldn't dream of covering- but here's a few little links to get you on your way: [] - Clarifies what always feeling sad could mean and what are the steps you could take away from it [] - A guide that helps you discover if you're going through trauma, and what you can do if you're stuck in this situation. It explains what trauma is and what the common responses to it are. [] - Similar to the 'I'm always sad' website- it helps you realise what could be the cause, and the steps needed to help you out :) [] - 'Everyone gets angry sometimes, but dealing with anger isn’t always easy. It’s important to first work out why you get angry and what your warning signs are. There are tips to help you manage your anger, but if you're finding it hard there are things you can do to get help.' [] - This site gives you some helpful strategies for helping yourself through depression [] - Coping with depression at work [] - Coping with depression at school/college 👤 Isolation and Loneliness 👤 [] - How pets can help with mental health and loneliness [] - All about loneliness- defining it, causes of it, and helpful tips to help you [] - 10 ideas which can help you with the feeling of loneliness [] - The best ways to deal with loneliness 💥 Self Harm 💥 [] - I believe this was in my last guide, but it's honestly so, so useful and has so many distractions and alternatives depending on how you're feeling [] - Also gives loads of alternatives, with useful comments from people who have experienced urges [] - 146 things to do besides self harm (also, check out the side bar on the left for other interesting pages) and for if it does happen... [] - First aid for self-injury and harm [] - how to get rid of scars (simple wikihow page) 💊 Addiction 💊 ​​ [] - Explains addiction, as well as clarifies the types, signs and how to get help [] - All about addiction to alcohol, signs and how to get help [] - All about addiction to drugs and illegal substances, signs and how to get help [] - What to look for and how to help a friend who has an addiction 🍌 Eating Disorders 🍌 [] - Explains what EDs are, seeking help and treating individuals with anorexia [] - Recovery from eating disorders [] - Recovering from eating disorders- defining 'recovery', giving you motivation and defining 'relapsing' [] - Self help tips to help you begin to recover from an eating disorder [] - Helping out a friend who may be suffering from an ED- dos and don'ts and what to do if they don't want your help 👾Self Hatred/Loathing 👾 []- Easing self loathing in three easy exercises [] - Self-loathing and finding 'the antidote' [] - 10 steps to help eradicate self hate! 👀 Schizophrenia 👀 [] - Explaining schizophrenia, signs and symptoms and how to help [] - Understanding Schizophrenia and the causes behind it [] - Coping with delusions and hallucinations [] - Helping a loved one/someone you know with schizophrenia 🔷 OCD 🔷 [] - Managing your emotions and OCD at home [] - What you need to know about overcoming OCD, types of OCD []- Another little wikihow with pics about coping with OCD!managing-ocd/c1qmf [!managing-ocd/c1qmf]- Strategies for managing OCD, what to do when you feel panicky 🌓 Borderline Personality Disorder 🌓 []- Explains personality disorders, when it might be a problem, what causes them [] - Helping someone who has BPD, what you need to know, signs and symptoms [] - Treatment for BPD 💫 Abuse 💫 [] - The difference between an abusive and a healthy relationship [] - Emotional Abuse [] - Overcoming sexual abuse [] - 5 ways to escape an abusive relationship [] - What to do if you're in an abusive relationship Finally: things to remember: - Don’t stress about being fixed because you’re not broken. -Remember to remind yourself of your accomplishments. Tell yourself that you’re proud of yourself, even if you’re not.  - This is temporary. You won’t always feel like this.  -You are not alone.  -You are enough.  -You are important.  -You are worth it.  -You are strong.  -You are not a failure,  -Good people exist.  -Reaching out shows strength.  -Breathe.  -Don’t listen to the thoughts that are not helping you.  -Give yourself credit.  -Don’t be ashamed of your emotions, for the good or bad ones.  -Treat yourself the same way as you would treat a good friend.  -Focus on the things you can change.  -Let go of toxic people.  -You don’t need to hide, you’re allowed to feel the way you do.  -Try not to beat yourself up.  -Something is always happening, you don’t want to miss out on what’s going to happen next.  -You are not a bother. -Your existence is more than your appearance.  -You are smart.  -You are loved.  -You are wanted.  -You are needed.  -Better days are coming.  -Just because your past is dark, doesn’t mean your future isn’t bright.  -You have more potential than you think.  - Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.   Keep smiling- you beautiful, beautiful people ~ Pink 🌼 (and Flash the turtle 🐢) x      
Pink's Amazingly Awesome List of Links and Distractions
Anxiety Support / by Fairy
Last post
February 21st, 2022
...See more   *waves* Hi Guys!! So basically, I've got a SUPER long list of websites and methods to distract you (or someone you're listening to) from things such as self harm, anxiety, general stress, bad moments etc. There's lot of different links for lots of different people- feel free to add more!! I've highlighted my favourites, and links/methods I've found particularly useful/interesting in GREEN, the others are simply highlighted in pinky/purple: I hope you find some use out of some of these links!! *mario voice* Here we go!!   I'll start things off with a personal favourite website of mine: [] This is simply a website where you can receive hundred of hugs from hundreds of people everywhere- it comforts you and really makes you smile. If in need of a hug or ten- look no further :) You can also add your own virtual hug- which is epic. Because you have the knowledge that you're hugging & comforting thousanndss of people across the globe Secondly, for the people that LOVE drawing but struggle creating masterpieces (like yours truly) - there's THESE websites: [] [] These are really simple, therapeutic drawing websites - anything you create there is gorgeous and is 100 times better than anything ever made on MS Paint! You can make them symmetrical, change the colours- it's really calming and doesn't stress me out because none of the 'drawings' turn out particularly awful ;) ~random website break~ To add a few more lil random therapeutic​ thingies to my list... 1.) This website has teeny lil mini games which will keep you entertained for agesss: [] 2.) This website you compliments. Which is wicked. 3.) This website lets you control the weather so you feel like a GOD (or Goddess). The sounds on it are super relaxing and all, too. [] 4.) I don't even know how to describe this website. I just spend wayyyy too much time on it! [] 5.) This website just lets you explore space. Which is epic. You just lose track of time, and realise how small your problems are compared to the universe. [] 6.)  []- Does what it says on the tin. It calms you! It puts you through meditation breaks of 5, 10, 30 minutes etc.  ~random website break concluded~   Noises If, like me, you're a fan of listening to the rain against your window, or heavy storms, or waves or just white noise such as this, here's several websites that create just that This one's just a simple, normal 4-hour youtube vid of some waves doing that crashy crash thing: [] The next, is a site called [] - this creates soothing, rain noises which help you concentrate (in regards to things like revision, reading etc) or they could help you drift off listening to the sound of rain- your choice :p [] This site is particularly useful as it lets you customise what sound you want- extreme storm, white noise, light pitter-patter (best word ever) etc. Check it out! [] - This lets you make your own funky tune. Funky.   The Quiet Place Project This is an incredible project that has several 'rooms' and places to help you get through your dilemmas and supports you when you feel particularly down. Here are the different rooms: The Thought Room [] This is a tranquil little space where you're advised to put away any phones/other distractions and focus on what the website says. Then, it presents you with a status box (like on Facebook, twitter etc). Nobody will ever see it. It's completely anonymous. You then pour your thoughts out into this status without fear of judgement. The beautiful thing about this is that as you type, the words burst into thousands of stars, representing the troubles and worries in your head exploding- bursting, disappearing, leaving you relaxed and calmer than before. The Dawn Room [] This is basically another calming page. It asks you to you question why you're feeling down or anxious or generally awful. It tells you to you type how you would respond to a dear one if they were feeling the same way, and then allows you to realise they're probably thinking the same thing about you. Deep stuff, am I right? The Quiet Place's…Quiet place [] 'In the quiet place, there are no caps, and no facebook notifications, or twitter, google+…' Yep. A quiet room for you to relax in. Check that shizzles out :p The Comfort Spot [] You have to log in for this one, but I assure you, it's totes worth it. Totes. This is a little like Facebook, in the way that you post statuses saying 'feeling angry' or 'tired' or 'heartbroken', however- it's completely anonymous. You type out your problemo/how you're feeling, and others can comment with comforting words, advice (yeah THEY CAN GIVE ADVICE) or whatever helps out. You can also help out others with comforting words and messages. It's awesome. Other random links (thanks to  various listeners' suggestions) So, as given to us months and months back on another mod's post, here's that alternative to self harm link: [] [] - Puts today into perspective (just click it- it's tricky to explain) [] - Just- just click on this. Please. [] - For the more artsy, abstract types- create your own weird Picasso face thing [] - If your self-worth ever feels low- PLEASE JUST CLICK ON THIS [] - Suggested by a listener- be warned- you can get lost on this website forever if you're not cautious! [] - Also suggested by a listener- this lets you colour pages online- it's really relaxing and helps take your mind off things. There are some really intricate pages on this- so you'll have a lot to focus on! [] - Scale of the Universe - This website is not only educational, but also very interesting and plentiful. It'll be sure to take your mind off things and gives the viewer a great perspective of how amazing life truly is. Essentially, it does exactly what it says on the tin, and shows us the size of the smallest atom to the biggest galaxies! (Click on each of the pictures to get some basic information about them). [] - Breathing Earth- Another cool site that I have a look at every now and again. Basically it's just a map of the world and the site represents the average birth and death rates of people from every country as well as CO2 being produced. Hover over every country to get some information about it in the bottom left corner. Sometimes I just like to sit there and watch it go by.   So- that's all the links I've collected but as I said - please please please add your own below, making sure to describe what they do/how they've helped!Of course, there's plenty of things you can do without the internet. Things I find particularly effective include simple things such as (SERIOUSLY CHECK THESE OUT THEY'RE WICKEEDDDD): 1.) Sing modern songs in the shower like an opera singer 2.) Whisper 'Beep Boop' to yourself- repeat until not sad. 3.) Plug your nose and say sneep snop for instant smiles 4.) Try saying boopedeeboop in the lowest, manliest voice possible. Gets me every time. 5.) Ask @Baubs​ to tell you a joke and laugh at how bad they are. 6.) Mash your keyboard (like this: fjbgvsdhzmsgv) and try as pronounce the atrocity you've created. 7.) Purchase some henna and draw that shizz all over yourself- make yourself just one massive masterpiece ;) 8.) Jam on an instrument- make up a new song about a random object (for example, a song called 'Why is the Cat Sleeping on my Freshly Washed Clothes?') 9.) Turn on the TV, put it on mute and make the different characters 'say' different things. 10.) Watch Whose Line is it Anyway. Just do it. 11.) People-watch. Look at people and make up stories about their day, who they've seen, what they've ate, who they've kissed, their memories- don't make it too tragic, though!! 12.) Watch a TV show/film you haven't watched since you were a realllly little kid 13.) Stargaze. Seriously. Grab a pal, some cushions, a blanket and a mug of hot chocolate and lie down for hours, spotting wandering stars and glinting planets. 14.) Look up your star sign - find out what traits you supposedly have and write them down in a book, laughing at how inaccurate some of them are 15.) DANCE IN THE RAIN- YES! DO THIS! YOU MAY GET A COLD BUT IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT! Next time there's a rainstorm, go out in your normal clothes (don't you DARE put a jacket on unless you're allergic to rain), put some headphones in (or don't if you're allergic to music), and run out there, look up to the skies and dance until you're so worn out you can hardly stand. Then, go back in, look at yourself in the mirror and realise that the person staring back at you is seizing life and is bloody epic. 16.) Blummin' blanket forts- just, just do it. Just compile all your blanketed items and pillows and make the best damn patchwork palace possible. 17.) Look up the bloopers to your favourite film. There are some crackers. 18.) YouTube never fails- just get lost in that website watching stupid videos of cats on rollercoasters or whatever you kids watch these days.  And that's the end of the initial post! As I said, please add your own suggestions and I hope this helps you all when you need it!!~ Pink x
Feedback & Reviews
This girl is absolutely amazing, easily one of the best listeners I've had. Helped me look at things in a new light and still didn't make me feel bad about what I'd been going through. Really helped me out of a bad place. Thank you, for all you've done to help others including me here
Very helpful and friendly listener who can help with anything
She was lovely and helped with what I told her... I feel like I can come back again and talk on here... Thank you fairy ❤
She really helped me ❤️
She was really easy to talk to and I could tell she knew what she was talking about
Shes cool.
She is really nice and easy to talk to
Hey Pink, thanks for all your help and trust. I really appreciate it A LOT. You're an awesome listener and a great friend. I wish you all the best in the future. - Leon
Really great listener. Helped me a lot and was very professional
Amazing listener thank you thank thank you
Good listener. I felt accepted by her. Send her a message and you won't be dissapointed
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