I possess a degree in English Language & Literature and Psychology. I am also certified in the equine psychology program Parelli Natural Horsemanship and have 16 years of experience studying and practicing equine behavioral psychology.
I believe the internal landscape is an oscillating labyrinth throughout life, and seeking self-realization can be an incredible journey. We as humans are profound creatures intellectually, emotionally, and spirtually, but reside on a preexisting commonality: the need to communicate, with a universal language, the words of desiring acceptance, caring, and love, despite cultural context.
Modernity affords a dysfunctional operation where there is a collective wounded psyche that needs to be deconstructed accordingly, and met in accordance to those dissipated qualities of our world. My writing has been published in various magazines and my art has been exhibited in national and international gallery shows. As a wounded healer, I understand the profound effects of pain on the mind and body, and how both are one and the same. A benevolent hand can provide light in the most darkest, incapitating, and seemingly inconsolable times of our lives. I am inspired to listen to others' stories and ultimately, to revel in the wilderness of existence.
My name comes from my first Arabian horse I broke, Cheroke Rose "Rosie". You can see a photo of us below:
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