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Is it possible?
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by Bonnie1042
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November 15th, 2021
...See more Hi! I'm not sure how to start this, so i'll improve: Is possible to control our feelings to not to fall in love with someone? This is my story: I knew a few years ago a girl at my music school, we barely talked at that time but somehow... we reconected through some video edition issue, she wanted to learn how to edit videos and someone told about me and then she called me and we met. Since then, we clicked so well to each other, our conversation is always fluid and deep, i really really enjoy spending time with her. I feel atracted to her but there's a BIG issue, a very common issue between gay people: she's straight. She doesn't know about my sexuality and i want to be honest with her. I know that i have zero chances to be in a relationship with her but i wanna be her friend. Also i feel terrified to open myself because she had very bad experiences with lesbians ( some women harrassed her and others touched her without her consent. So she has this bad idea about lesbians :( ... i never ever do that to her, even if i like her so much... that's why i'm doubtful to tell her who am i) So... in conclusion... is it possible to burn this feelings? Should i be honest with her? i don't wanna lose her friendship.
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After all... nothing else matters.
Depression Support / by Bonnie1042
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May 1st, 2019
...See more Hello, I have made some publications about my relationship problems. To summarize, I will say that for 5 years I had a relationship with a woman, with whom, the communication problems were constant. Her family is not very communicative and very restrictive. She has broken up with me on several occasions, but she usually looks for me after some time, and I allow her to return. :( Now, things seem to be a little different, in December 2018, doctors diagnosed their mother with cancer, to this day she is still struggling, it has not been easy for my partner, since her family, as I mentioned before, does not seem to offer her nothing of support. My partner is depressed, angry, her head is full of worries and ... well, I think she reached her limit, at least with me :( . A few days ago, she decided that it was best to let us go, because supposedly, we had lost the way, and she was feeling overwhelmed with her mother situation. I did not agree, I never agreed with this separation, I always offered my unconditional support, all the time, but she rejected me, pushed me away. She never realized that she had me at her side to endure anything, she never let me support her. I feel devastated because I feel that she got bored with me, that maybe she is looking for consolation with someone else, why? if I was always there? It is unfair! I am very confused, because she says that despite feeling disconnected from me, she loves me, but she never specified if she wanted me as a couple, she just told me that she loved me and she wanted me to still being friends ( i can't do that) . I do not understand anything and I feel guilty for denying my friendship, I feel that I am the bad one in history when leaving her alone with her sick mother. I feel that I have gone beyond everything, I tried everything, absolutely everything to make her feel better, to make her feel loved, supported, but she simply told me that she no longer felt that connection ... she was never clear to tell me things in front. I do not know which way to go now, I feel very sad. Now, she seems to be much calmer, I see some of her publications in F B, I suspect that she is attracted to someone else, why could not she trust me? Why do not she love me if I gave her my whole heart? I was with her in the most difficult times, and I would do it again, but it does not matter, she does not care
Bonnie1042 profile picture
After all... nothing else matters.
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by Bonnie1042
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October 19th, 2019
...See more Hello, I have made some publications about my relationship problems. To summarize, I will say that for 5 years I had a relationship with a woman, with whom, the communication problems were constant. Her family is not very communicative and very restrictive. She has broken up with me on several occasions, but she usually looks for me after some time, and I allow her to return. Now, things seem to be a little different, in December 2018, doctors diagnosed their mother with cancer, to this day she is still struggling, it has not been easy for my partner, since her family, as I mentioned before, does not seem to offer her nothing of support. My partner is depressed, angry, her head is full of worries and ... well, I think he reached her limit, at least with me. A few days ago, she decided that it was best to let us go, because supposedly, we had lost the way, and she was feeling overwhelmed with her mother situation. I did not agree, I never agreed with this separation, I always offered my unconditional support, all the time, but she rejected me, pushed me away. She never realized that she had me at her side to endure anything, she never let me support her. I feel devastated because I feel that she got bored with me, that maybe he is looking for consolation with someone else, why? if I was always there? It is unfair! I am very confused, because she says that despite feeling disconnected from me, she loves me, but she never specified if she wanted me as a couple, she just told me that she loved me and she wanted me to still being friends ( i can't do that) . I do not understand anything and I feel guilty for denying my friendship, I feel that I am the bad one in history when leaving her alone with her sick mother. I feel that I have gone beyond everything, I tried everything, absolutely everything to make her feel better, to make her feel loved, supported, but she simply told me that she no longer felt that connection ... she was never clear to tell me things in front. I do not know which way to go now, I feel very sad. Now, she seems to be much calmer, I see some of her publications in F B, I suspect that she is attracted to someone else, why could not she trust me? Why do not she love me if I gave her my whole heart? I was with her in the most difficult times, and I would do it again, but it does not matter, she does not care.
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hello, it's me again...with anxiety.
Anxiety Support / by Bonnie1042
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April 1st, 2019
...See more I'm not sure if everyone here knows my story... i'm gonna be quick this time and i only share the current situation: The current situation with my partner's family is getting worse. I'm trying to give her my support, but my partner is getting angry again, she's tired to take full care of her mother. Her family is awful, they didn't give her any support. They make my partner and mother feel as if living in their home was an act of piety and not a right. I try to talk to my girlfriend to make her feel better, but the words don't come to my mind. I know that saying: "keep calm, be patient" does not help at all . The deterioration of her mother is constant( she has Cancer and she has a colostomy and her kidneys are failing she's losing her temper and faith too) . In my country, health services are not very good and that complicates the situation of my girlfriend's mother. What should i do? my gilfriend doesn't want to receive therapy, she feels so disappointed of her family ,she doesn't allow me to help her even to clean her house, she says her family would criticize her. I'm afraid that she will discharge that anger with me again. I dk what to say to her... I think that even my jokes or my attempts to make her laugh will not work this time ... well, I have never believed that they work. U_______U How can you give hope to someone who has lost faith?
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