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'You Can't Make a Joke These Days Without Someone Getting Mad'
Anxiety Support / by BlueDusk99
Last post
November 1st, 2019
...See more Jokes. Sometimes they're funny, other times they are definitely not. I make people laugh a lot, but the one thing I don't do is make fun of people's traumatic or disadvantaged lives. I don't find injustice something to be made fun of either. It is very dissapointing that there are a lot of people who would rather make fun of the significant struggle of some other person (or group of people), than to be thoughful about it in hopes of contributing to help others overcome it (or at least carry on trough it). Of course jokes are often used as a form of escapism. But I'm finding that the people who want to escape the most, are the people who aren't sufferring the way others are. I guess it's too hard to care about other people, it's easier to make fun of them and laugh over their painful past, present, and/or future. Had this on my mind for a long time.
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"Can we All just get along?" and "Can we stop fighting each other?"
Young People of Color / by BlueDusk99
Last post
April 2nd, 2019
...See more Today, a racist entered one of the chat rooms and started saying racist things. Other room users started mentioning how "funny" the argument was. I and another user was trying to counter their racism. Later in the argument, some people said things along the lines of 'stop fighting' in a way that insinuated that all three of us were wrong. The other bystanders of the chat said things like the title of this thread, or nothing at all. I get that sometimes other people don't want to entertain these trolls/hateful people but... Here's the problem: 1. Nobody else (but I and another) stood up against their racism. 2. The whole thing where people imediately say things like "Can we just get along?", is completely dismissing the point that the hateful person is disturbing the little peace that we have. A lot of bystanders of racism seem to think that ignoring the issue to hold hands with the racist is the way to solve the problem. Not, dealing with racism itself. People can only "come together" when the hateful acts stop, or is at least reduced majorly. Nobody dealing with any issue of any kind, wants to hold hands with the person or people hurting them. 3. People were blaming all tree of us for the argument rather than identifying that the racist was the problem. This is yet another reason why racism is still at large. Injustice is fighting Justice, and bystanders blame both. 4. When you stand up against racism or conclude that someone is truly racist, somehow you're the racist. It's that whole "that's what you are but what am I", thing that kids would do. In conclusion, bystanders or people who have no interest in the fight against prejudice think that it's a "pick a side" type thing, where both "sides" can be 50% wrong or 50% right, and you just have to choose the "side" that you like. Or blame both. Racism is about the agonizingly negative effects on people's day-to-day lives. It is not simply about choosing a "side". It's about what's wrong or right. Who hurts and who is hurt. It's a topic (for lack of better words) of morality. Racism isn't, and shouldn't be a mere discussion topic or a debatable topic. Just like how pedophilia isn't (and shouldn't) be up for debate (we don't need more people acting like there's a good side to such a monstrous act). Among other things, morally and judicially pedophilia is wrong. Racism is wrong.
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