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L Apprentice 3
4.5 star rating
Number of ratings23 Number of reviews4 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceFeb 13, 2016 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderMale PathStep 17 People helped38 Chats103 Group support chats3 Forum posts8 Forum upvotes3

Hey! I'm Andrew. I love Twenty One Pilots and people, so why not listen to both, ya know. I have personal experience with panic attacks, anxiety (social or not), depression, and self-harm but will help to the best of my ability for any thing. I wont judge anyone for anything no matter who you are.
Silence does give you space, but also sometimes, quiet is violent. Just remember that when you have a migraine, and your car radio isn't there. You might just want to stay in your lane boy, or go to your house of gold. I wouldn't take a ride through the forest of trees when you have a tear in your heart. Besides, you're fairly local and semi-automatic with a screen on your chest. So you might as well stay in the isle of the flightless bird because you're nothing more than an addict with a pen who might drown in what is clear(ly) the sun's blood. So friend, please, I know you're stressed out but before you start your day...please search your heavydirtysoul and deny the judge that controls you and your self-esteem. Turn your gun to a fist and use your pen, or harpoon I should say, to continue living in this soundless world. Because, "We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you."

Feedback & Reviews
My favorite listener :)
Simplistic and comforting- like an Internet cuddle, very good for a conversation and spirit lifting
This listener is amazing. They were helpful, made me feel better, and are very professional.
Very professional and quick on their feet. They're tying to be helpful and they will succeed with people who really want it. They're doing a good job.
Badges & Awards
25 total badges
Listening Ear Magnet Jester of Smiles Ellen Jump Start Anxiety Depression Listener Oath Self Harm Bullying Graduate Love Bug Refresher Help Angel Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening 2nd Birthday Party Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend Five Steps Hang 10