Hey! I'm Andrew. I love Twenty One Pilots and people, so why not listen to both, ya know. I have personal experience with panic attacks, anxiety (social or not), depression, and self-harm but will help to the best of my ability for any thing. I wont judge anyone for anything no matter who you are.
Silence does give you space, but also sometimes, quiet is violent. Just remember that when you have a migraine, and your car radio isn't there. You might just want to stay in your lane boy, or go to your house of gold. I wouldn't take a ride through the forest of trees when you have a tear in your heart. Besides, you're fairly local and semi-automatic with a screen on your chest. So you might as well stay in the isle of the flightless bird because you're nothing more than an addict with a pen who might drown in what is clear(ly) the sun's blood. So friend, please, I know you're stressed out but before you start your day...please search your heavydirtysoul and deny the judge that controls you and your self-esteem. Turn your gun to a fist and use your pen, or harpoon I should say, to continue living in this soundless world. Because, "We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you."