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gilmore girls One-shot (rory x logan)
Last post
August 28th, 2023
...See more thats the link to my new chapter!!! enjoy please leave feedback!!
Reading & Writing / by 1HEARTSTOPPERFAN
Last post
August 31st, 2023
...See more It was a day like the day before. If your Rory Gilmore there's always a surprise for you waiting when you wake up but little did she know it would be one to change her life forever. *RORY WAKING UP WITH LOGAN IN STARS HALLOW* (Rory POV) (stomach turning) Oh my god I think I'm gonna be sick I think to myself. I run to the bathroom and throw up last nights dinner. I feel my hair being pulled back by... "ur awake" he looks so concerned? "Ace what's wrong" my heart melts every time he calls me Ace i should be used to it now but it gets me every time "I honestly don't know. I woke up feeling like i needed to throw up. Can you get me some medicine from the store before you go to work?" he bends down to my level and kisses my cheek "Ofc Ace just let me call your mom so your not alone when I go." sweetest man ever. (Lorelai POV) (Phone ringing) "lukeeee get the phone please" i really don't feel like waking up its too early. "Ok Lore be right back" he leave the bed... why'd he have to leave he was so comfy... Ugh what time is it? SEVEN IN THE MORNING???? Geez better be a good reason if its that earl- "LORELAI GET DRESSED RIGHT NOW" crap. (Get's dressed and runs to Luke's truck "Why am I dressed at 7am without coffee? You know how dangerous that is right?" He looks at me while he passes every speed limit... "Rory is sick at home. Logan is running to get her medicine but he didn't want her to be alone." She's sick? Oh my God my baby is sick... "GO FASTER LUKE" he speeds up. (5 minutes later) im running inside the house and i see logan " Where is she?" He looks at me with a tired smile "She's upstairs in the bathroom still. She's begging for coffee so ill bring you guys your coffee before i leave" I smile at him then run up the stairs to my baby. (Rory POV) Ugh where is she we called her 20 minutes ago... I just want my momma...God I sound ridiculous. I'm a married 23 year old I shouldn't still need her when I'm sick. Man I want coffee. "Rory hun you feeling any better?" as she rubs my back.. "momma I hate this. I feel like at any moment I could throw up. I feel so weak. I don't know what's wrong with me!!" (I start tearing up) she hugs me "oh sweetie I know it sucks right now but you'll get through it like you always do" she smiles and says "lets try brushing your teeth. Where is your toothpaste?" I smile and wobble to the cabinet and i open the cabinet and- "right here mo-" i see the box of unopened tampons...I bought those 2 months ago... I start to tear up "momma get Logan right now" she looks at me concerned "Ofc hun i'll start on your breakfast downstairs." (Logan POV) Me and Luke have been talking the past 30 minutes while Lorelai helps Rory. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Lorelai coming down the stairs with a concerned face "Logan she want's you." well that answers my question. I get up say my goodbyes while they get breakfast started and race upstairs to my love. I step inside the bathroom to see her crying. "What's wrong ace?" She shoves a unopened box of tampons in my lap "Um Ace I'm a guy? Why would I need these?" She looks at me all teared up "Logan I bought those 2 months ago." Why does she feel the need to tell me this? Why would I care about unopened tampons? "Um Rory I don't understand? Why are you handing me these?" she looks at me and wraps her arms around herself "Logan I'm throwing up and I gave you unopened tampons from two months ago." Wait i still don't understand its not like she's Preg- oh my god she's... I need to buy i test? Am i ready to be a dad? We've only been married a month what if we're not ready? "Ace I'm going to buy you a test okay?" she looks at me and nods her head yes. I race out of the bathroom to the store. Kirk ofc Kirk is running the register. Welp sorry Lorelai... "Why are you buying a pregnancy test?" I laugh "it's for my girlfriends mom." He smiles "tell her I said Goodluck!" i wave bye and run back to her. I enter the bathroom and give her the test " No matter what it says I will always love you Ace" she smiles and kisses me "I'll always love you too Logan" (Rory POV) ok ok i got this. It's just a test. "Logan don't leave" he smiles "Couldn't make me if you tried Ace" God i love this man. (Pee's on stick and sets it on counter) "Logan can u set a 3 minute timer please?" he nods. Im excited and nervous. We've only been married a month yet here we are seeing if we have a little bundle of joy coming soon.. Logan would be a cute dad. God what if I get pregnant, look ugly and he leaves me for some hotter chick?!?! "Ace your thinking quite loudly. What's goin on in that mind of yours?" I look at him a little nervous "I'm just scared that if I'm pregnant it'll change everything" He laughs "Ace I won't lie. A baby will change everything but not in a bad way. We will be growing a family not just any family.. a coffee newspaper loving happy family who's always there for each other" I start to tear up while i kiss him. Then i hear the ringing... crap its time... "Logan can you check... im too scared" he gently smiles "yea Ace i got you." He picks up the test and does the biggest smile ever and omg is he crying? "What's it say?" He kisses me like its the last time he'll ever do it "We're having a baby Ace. Your pregnant" I start to cry happy tears "REALLY? omgg i can't wait to tell mom!!" *STARS HALLOW GAZEBO* (Rory POV) "mom?" she looks at me "Yeah?" here goes nothing "I'm pregnant."
love story for the ages- from one of my wattpad stories i made
Reading & Writing / by 1HEARTSTOPPERFAN
Last post
August 23rd, 2023
...See more -IN CLASS- (KYLIE POV) Omg omg I can't believe me and Bryce are going on a date tonight!! I wonder if were going to a nice pla- "KYLIE" I look in front of me and gulp.. looks like Hayes saw I wasn't paying attention.. "yes sir?" I asked and he said "can you read Acts 8:16-30" "sure thing" and so I read the verses and then I got a phone call from the phone charging station.. uh oh Hayes is walking over there.. CRAP he grabbed my phone and now hes walking to me... "Answer" he said. So I answered and I regret it. "hello?" I say. "Hey cutie it's been a while" he said "ugh what do you want Triston" I say "you. Look im sorry for being a bad boyfriend" he said, at this point I'm mad. "No Triston being a bad boyfriend is not texting me for a while or not being loving. Not abusive and cheater. Get off my phone and out of my life forever. I will never forgive you for any of it and you will never get me again. I'm quite happy without you in my life. Goodbye Triston." I say calmy and I look over to Bryce and he looks at me *** and then leaves the room. I hang up the phone and follow him after I tell Hayes it'll be a second. I look around and then I see his truck lights turn on so I walk to his truck and get inside. He looks at me teary eyed and says "I never want you to think your not safe with me" and I say "I don't think you have to worry about that. I know you'd never hurt me" then he hugged me and said "you wanna just get the date started a little earlier? Its quite the drive anyways?" I nod and then I ask "where are we going?" and he says "you''ll see" as he slips his hand into mine and starts driving. I cant wait to see where we go! (BRYCE POV) Who could be calling Kylie? "No Triston being a bad boyfriend is not texting me for a while or not being loving. Not abusive and cheater. Get off my phone and out of my life forever. I will never forgive you for any of it and you will never get me again. I'm quite happy without you in my life. Goodbye Triston" she said.. I'm going to murder him. How dare he hurt her. She looks at me and I just look at her for a second and then I felt the need to leave the room. I ran to my truck and turned it on so I wouldn't freeze to death. I didn't even realize I started crying a little. What if I end up doing that to her one day? I would never be able to forgive myself. I never want to hurt her. I want to be the one she thinks is safe and secure. I want to be her prince charming not a person she'd want to forget.. Then I hear my car door shut and I look at the beauty that just climbed in. I ended up telling her "I never want you to think your not safe with me" then she said "I know you'd never hurt me" my heart skipped a beat. I cant wait to see where my life goes with her because trust me I'm never letting her go. She's stuck with me and I'm stuck with her. I don't feel like going back inside so I asked her if she wanted to start the date earlier besides the fair is quite the drive and thankfully she said yes so I put my truck in drive and I slide my hand into hers. Here we go! First date I'm soooo not nervous. -IN YOUTH GROUP ROOM AFTER CLASS- (KENZIE POV) Finally I can go check on Kylie. She's been gone sense she answered her phone. I look at Rose and said "is Kylie answering the phone?" she shook her head no and then said " I'm worried for her I mean its not like her" Then Nate chipped In and said "didn't you guys see that she followed Bryce?" then Rose said "but why would she follow Bryce I thought they hated eachother?" I said "no idea ill try texting her." Kenzie- hey girl where'd you go? Kylie- hey sorry I didn't feel like heading back in there so I left Kenzie- all good. Just wanted to make sure you were ok. That phone call was pretty brutal... Kylie- I know but im actually doing pretty good. I gtg tho im pulling into the fair for some fun Kenzie- okay ttyl girl I say "She's okay she just didn't want to come back after the whole phone call. She's at the fair right now. she just pulled in." Then I see Bailey making a big deal about it claiming that she knew but we all know that's not true considering the fact that Kylie keeps to herself and doesn't let people in. Nate says "will she ever stop being an attention seeker?" I laugh and say "probably not but who's gonna call her out?" Rose laughs and says "honestly you should considering Danielle is going along with Bailey's story claiming that she and Bailey was on the phone when Kylie told Bailey." I laugh and say "you know what.. imma do it" so I walk over to their little clique and I said "Listen here. This situation is NOTHING to lie about and the fact of the matter is you both are lying because unlike you guys I know Kylie and who she likes and dislikes. Guess what She hates you both with a passion. Danielle she thinks your bossy and inclusive and overall fake and Bailey she thinks your spoiled and a brat who is an attention seeker plus shes had you both blocked for about 2 years. So stop lying about her and this situation." Then I walked away with Rose and Nate. Nate said "omg that was priceless their faces were like oh no we got caught it was amazing!" Rose just sat there laughing and said "it really was" then I got a text from my dad saying it was time to go eat so I said my goodbyes and went to dinner.
Diary thread
Journals & Diaries / by 1HEARTSTOPPERFAN
Last post
August 21st, 2023
...See more Hi. I'm Danielle. Lately its been tough but nothing i can't handle. I've been confused and overwhelmed about my sexuality. I always thought i was straight til a few days ago. Its currently 12:44am ill be lucky to fall asleep around 3am. I dont know why but i cant ever seem to actually emotionally connect with the people i date. i like them for a week or two and then im bored. i dont understand it. 😊 til next time😊 -------------------------
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