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Profile: Soortaard
Soortaard on Nov 5, 2014 more
By continuing to be their friend. Presumably they would remain the same wonderful person that they were before I knew they were gay.
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Profile: Claire91
Claire91 on Jun 14, 2016 more
First off, you are a wonderful friend for wanting to support your friend. Being there for someone is huge. Secondly, I don't know the details of this situation, but if you are in a community in which being gay is viewed negatively and/or your friend is getting bullied, if you (and perhaps other friends and classmates, if you're in school) can stand up and speak out against homophobia, that is great. Being an ally and helping to create safe spaces for those who are being marginalized is super important. That said, I recognize that standing up in the face of prejudice is far easier said than done. Does your school or community have a local Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSA)? If so, if your friend is unaware of it, you could tell them about it, and also join yourself. If there isn't one, you could consider working with others to start one: I think these tend to be in schools, but maybe also in communities in general? Lastly, on a more personal note, I would say just listening to your friend, validating how they feel, and asking them what they need to feel safe, loved, good about themselves, etc., not making assumptions or speaking over them (not saying you're doing this!) is very important too. Letting your friend know you are there for them may sound small but I think it's actually huge. Take care!
Profile: Kathrine101
Kathrine101 on Nov 5, 2014 more
There is honestly not much to it when supporting a gay friend. They shouldn't get special treatment because they have a different preference when it comes to relationships/interests. But you can support them by seriously being there for them and not treat them differently in a negative manner. Just think of it, how would you want to be treated by your friends? :)
Profile: Cadence
Cadence on Nov 11, 2014 more
Do whatever you can to ensure that they are in a safe, judgment-free environment. Don't try to "cure" them, and don't try to dictate their life. Just let them be them, and offer support when they need it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 16, 2014 more
Let them know that you are there for them, no matter what. It is important for them to know that you support them, and that you are someone they can talk to about it.
Profile: ShardedGlass
ShardedGlass on Apr 23, 2018 more
By not acting any different, generally when they talk about the gender they like, act as if you were talking about the same gender as well. Don't make any rude jokes about gays, and support them through and through.
Profile: lightPetrichor34
lightPetrichor34 on Nov 5, 2014 more
Even just letting them know you're there if they ever need to talk or vent is a great place to start.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 19, 2016 more
Love them unconditionally, listen to them when they are down and not having a good day, and hang out with them. Treat them like you did with any one of your friends. As a human being.
Profile: Transhappyguy
Transhappyguy on Nov 15, 2014 more
Listen to him, and of course , Looking up for information about the LGTB Community. It is important have good sources of information
Profile: Erynn
Erynn on May 3, 2015 more
#1 = Listen without judgement and seek to understand what they are saying when they express themselves. Listen to hear how they are feeling. Ask them how you can support them if they're having a hard time. It helps to be inclusive of them and their partner(s) when you're doing things you'd normally involve people's friends/partners too (like a dinner or party). Don't shy away from the topic, but DO ask them if they are out to everyone, or need it to be a secret sometimes. DON'T out them to ANYONE. It makes things unsafe for them - emotionally, physically, economically, and/or psychologically. And, remember they are the same friend you've always had, they're just showing they are more comfortable with you now and able to reveal this part of themselves to you.
Profile: LovableDonut
LovableDonut on Nov 24, 2015 more
As a friend I would tell them that they are brave for coming out to me if they do so. If not I will be just as supportive as I would be to any of my straight friend. As a gay myself, I have had friends tell me that they were gay and I was more then happy to tell them Yaay.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 29, 2015 more
He's your friend. He's gay. Does it negatively affect you? Sexual orientation is something people can't control, so...
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 4, 2015 more
Remind him that you're there for him, don't try to change him, and just keep doing what you're doing! If you're already a good friend and supportive of him, then nothing in your relationship really has to change.. I personally would feel uncomfortable if my friends started making a big deal out of it when I came out to them. :)
Profile: Waterbear
Waterbear on Aug 3, 2015 more
Money. Lots of money. Just kidding! :) Probably you should ask them what they would like you to do, since different people have different needs. It's important to listen to them and believe them about their own experiences, though, even if they've experienced things that seem unlikely to you.
Profile: keepingyououtt
keepingyououtt on Aug 30, 2016 more
Simple, treat them like you would treat any person. Just because they are gay doesnt mean they should be treated any differently. Be kind to them, and make sure you stand up for him/her if anyone is giving them a hard time for being gay, tell them that you dont really care that they are gay as it doesnt make a difference to you :)
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Aug 5, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
Letting him know you support him and you'll always be there for him is the greatest thing you can do! It will mean a lot to him. Make sure he knows he can talk about anything with you, you'll be there to listen and support him through everything. If you feel like it, you can also go together to LGBT related events like prides, public demonstrations or cultural events. Sometimes it's good to feel like a part of a big community!
Profile: Gardeviola
Gardeviola on Nov 7, 2014 more
Just accept them. They aren't any different than they were before. They are still wonderful people, no matter what their orientation/gender/pizza preference is.
Profile: KaySea
KaySea on Nov 8, 2014 more
Just make sure they are aware that you are there for them if they need to talk. Having a supportive friend goes a long way!
Profile: Gracey
Gracey on Nov 8, 2014 more
Simply being there for them and accepting them for who they are is probably the most important thing here. Allow them to talk to you about any worries or problems they may be having and truly listen and support them.
Profile: FlickeringCandle
FlickeringCandle on Nov 13, 2014 more
Just accept it, and accept them. Try to avoid asking too many questions, just remember it and help them if others don't accept them. Be happy for them when they get into a relationship.
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