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Thoughtful Thursday prompt #1: Describe yourself in 3 words.
by sky2Ocean20
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more I am observant, sensitive, and protective. Observant - I was expected to obey my elders all the time. Although my nature changed over time but it shaped me to talk less and it led me to observe more about people and my surroundings.  Sensitive - Harsh scenes from TV, readings, or real-life cases do affect me and I tend to think about it for days.  Protective- I am protective of myself and my heart. It evolved from a few bad experiences and later I taught myself to be aware of boundaries of myself and other people. This week’s thoughtful Thursday prompt #1: Describe yourself in 3 words.  And what is the belief behind it?
Be There for Them: Supporting Mental Health
by ASilentObserver
Last post
...See more Hello community, I hope you are all taking it easy on yourself. As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month [], today I want to discuss supporting your loved ones.  You may all relate that seeing someone you care about battle mental health challenges can be heartbreaking. You want to help, but you might not know where to start, or what different you can do. Here are a few steps we can take to be a strong support system for them:  * Simply start a conversation and let your loved one know you're there for them. Phrases like "I'm worried about you" or "Is there anything I can do to help?" open the door. * Then, try to listen actively. That means being fully present, validating their feelings, and avoiding judgment. * Also, ensure respect for boundaries. Let them guide the conversation and share what they're comfortable with. Boundaries are applied on both sides and ensure to set your own boundaries as well. It is okay to say no if you cannot handle something.  * Other than that try to educate yourself. Learn about their specific condition because increased understanding fosters empathy and better support. * Encourage and practice self-care.  * Seek your own support and talk to friends, family, or a therapist. Taking care of yourself allows you to better care for others. * And, focus on what you can control: Their recovery is their journey, but your love and support can make a big difference.  All small steps count and can make a difference in their lives as well as promote awareness for mental health. And please know we are all here with you to listen to and support you. You matter and your voice matters.  I am sending this to you:  "I am proud of you. I am proud of you for reaching out and joining us here. I am proud of all you have been able to do and for taking all small steps.  For choosing to get back up with courage, and trying to find a path.  I am proud of you for staying kind and caring for others.  I am proud of the person you are.  You are doing so much better than you know.  I am proud of you and I believe in you." Tag and share this with someone you know and let's support and empower each other. T h a n k  Y o u!! 
Mental Health Awareness Month 2024: Forum Discussions Maserpost
by Heather225
Last post
...See more For your convenience, we have compiled a list of all our thoughtfully crafted forum discussions in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month []! 💚 Mental Health Stigma [] 💚 The Power of Words - Why Language Matters [] 💚 Building Support Systems [] 💚 Building Rapport and Trust with Others [] 💚 Compassion Matters [] 💚 It's Okay To Not Be Okay [] 💚 Be There for Them: Supporting Mental Health [] 💚 Embracing Imperfection [] If I missed any, or you'd like to add some from your communities, leave a link in the replies! - There is still lots of space if you would like to host a group discussion or make a forum post! Click here for more information on how you can participate! []   []  [/sharer/sharer.php?]
by Overit1991
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more Why is it so hard for me to snap out of my anger and irritability lately? I’m 8 months postpartum. I really didn’t think I’d feel like this. I’m in a 4 year relationship and before this it was just my daughter and I. Then I met my partner and his 4 kids. 3 being his adopted nieces and little sister… I thought I could handle a big family and knew it all. I was wrong. His two nieces are 13 and 12 and his sister is also 12… so I have 3 preteens, my 8 year old daughter , his 6 year old son, and our 8 month old son. The teens are so difficult and lazy and ungrateful and I’ve done everything I could to try and show them a great life. It’s gotten so bad I feel like it’s ruining me as a mother. I feel I’m not the same mother I was when I was single and it was just my daughter and I. I wanted to show them structure so I didn’t ask for much but clean up after yourselves and keep trash and food out of your rooms but that alone has become pointless. Apple cores under their pillow. Candy wrappers everywhere. The oldest one steals from her siblings and even tried breaking into my room when I put a lock. Ever since I got in this relationship I have to keep my decorations and collectibles in my room because I can’t trust anything out in the living room. It’s just a *** feeling that I can’t have my house the way I want it and my daughter and son see me in a *** mood all the time. I’m getting duller and duller by the day. I’m not who I use to be and this relationship has definitely taken its toll. I’ve done so much and just get a middle finger to the *** face. I’ve resorted back to old ways and am just fed up with myself in all honesty. I feel like exploding. Panic attacks are back. I’m just out of it 
temprorary disappearance
by steph8402
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more hi. idk who’s gonna see this but i am going to be taking a break from cups probably till i age up. i feel like i’ve done more harm than good on here for people. and i feel ignored all the time. and it’s just exhausting trying to keep up supporting people when i’m not even doing good mentally and no one supports me back. while i love supporting and being there for everyone i just can’t do it right now for a while. also i just feel like people don’t like me anymore so imma take a break and start new when i go over to the adults side. ill still be on as a listener most likely. so if you guys know me from there you’re welcome to say hi. i might make an appearance once in a while or be on forums you’re welcome to still try. but idk. anyway usually people tag people but idk who to even tag. so whoever see this take care. -steph
Thoughtful Thursday prompt #1: Describe yourself in 3 words.
by sky2Ocean20
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more I am observant, sensitive, and protective. Observant - I was expected to obey my elders all the time. Although my nature changed over time but it shaped me to talk less and it led me to observe more about people and my surroundings.  Sensitive - Harsh scenes from TV, readings, or real-life cases do affect me and I tend to think about it for days.  Protective- I am protective of myself and my heart. It evolved from a few bad experiences and later I taught myself to be aware of boundaries of myself and other people. This week’s thoughtful Thursday prompt #1: Describe yourself in 3 words.  And what is the belief behind it?
Exploring Toxic Masculinity and its impact on Men's mental health
by MindfulJourney22
Last post
8 hours ago
...See more In recent times, there has been growing awareness surrounding the concept of toxic masculinity and its impact on men's mental health. The traditional societal norms and expectations placed on men to embody characteristics such as dominance, aggression, emotional suppression, and avoiding vulnerability have been under scrutiny. This toxic masculinity not only affects men themselves but also has ripple effects on society as a whole. It is crucial to distinguish between toxic masculinity and healthy masculinity to foster a more supportive and inclusive environment for all individuals. What is Toxic Masculinity? Toxic masculinity is a notion that men ought to behave in certain ways that this society has predetermined, highlighting traits such as dominance, aggression, emotional suppression, and invulnerability. The notion of maintaining a well defined masculinity foists on men the stereotypes and a pressure to conform which in one way or the other may be detrimental to both the individuals and the society. Toxic masculinity does not allow men to freely express their vulnerable sides, seek psychological help, and form emotionally fulfilling relationships, which are the factors that are connected to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and disturbed relationships. Apart from this, it also forms a violence-prone culture, dangerous behavior, and the gender inequality. What is healthy Masculinity? Healthy masculinity is a concept that implies a positive and inclusive comprehension of masculinity which is based on the wide variety of behaviors, emotions and identities. It allows men to be true to themselves, expressing not only their masculine side but also their vulnerabilities and emotions freely, without the pressure of strict stereotypes. Healthy masculinity cultivates the qualities of empathy, compassion, respect and emotional intelligence and thus people can develop strong and significant relationships with others. It values mental and psychological health, urging men to search for help and support whenever needed, and creating a safe space to discuss mental health issues freely. A healthy masculinity also encourages gender equality, as it aims to change the power and dominance idea and bring respect and equality for all the genders. At the end of the day healthy masculinity is about being aware of yourself, being unique, and creating positive, respectful, and meaningful relationships with yourself and others. Consequences of Toxic Masculinity on men's mental well being-: * Supression Of Emotions: Toxic masculinity pulls men into the trap of emotional isolation by swallowing their vulnerability, resulting in internalized stress, mental health issues such as depression, Anxiety etc. * Pressure of Conform: Men often feel the need to demonstrate superiority and insensitivity which leaves them conflicted with fighting against their mental health issues and unable to seek help. * Impacts on Relationships-: The toxic masculinity associates with the emotional expression and empathy which inevitably leads to miscommunication and emotional disconnection. * Reinforcement of Gender Norms: Restrained notions of masculinity “man up”, discourage authentic self-expression, and sustain inequality. * Risk Taking Behaviour Seeking invulnerability among peers often leads young people to dangerous behaviors that threaten their physical and psychological health. * Impact On Fatherhood; Outdated stereotypes undermine active and cultivating parenting patterns. * Perpetuating Violence: Trivializing aggressive traits becomes part of breeding a culture of violence and abuse. Some Benefits of Healthy Masculinity-: 1. Emotional expression: Healthy masculinity means that men acknowledge and communicate their emotions openly and genuinely. 2. Individuality and self-awareness: It values diversity and men can learn to be themselves without having to fit into a particular Societal Construct. Therefore, men can have different identities. 3. Mental health awareness: Healthy masculinity means in where a man is encouraged to come forward for seeking help for mental health issues, is emotionally strong and can ask for help when required. 4. Empathetic relationships: It encourages the creation of the bonds that are based on empathy, communication, and mutual understanding, consequently resulting into happier and fulfilling relationships. 5. Gender equality: Healthy masculinity moves toward gender equality because it overthrows traditional gender norms letting in inclusivity and diversity. Myth Vs Facts- Myth: Men should demonstrate strength of character and stay strong. Fact: Feelings, seeking help, are a mark of strong, not a weak, nature. Men ought to feel emboldened to embrace emotional openness and take help whenever necessary. Myth: The reasons for aggression and domination among men are rooted in the male gender traits. Fact: The definitions of masculinity vary and attributes such as empathy, compassion, and co-operation are of equal significance. Salute to healthy masculinity includes a variety of behaviors and feelings. Myth: A man should be a self-reliant figure in his family and never suggest that he needs any help. Fact: Seeking help is one of the simplest and yet the most courageous act in order to be able to start the process of mental health improvement. It is essential to draw support from companions, members of the family, or fellow mental health professionals towards personal development. Myth: Heterosexual males who value personal care are not real men. Fact: Self-care is important for good mental health and is in no way related to being associated with any  particular gender . Participating in activities whose benefits to a person's well-being are self-evident, for instance, exercising, meditation or counseling, can be seen as a part of this process. Conclusion-: the concept of the toxic masculinity entails a social construct that promotes unhealthy stereotypes and hinders the emotional development of men. By dispelling myths and advocating for a more complex view of masculinity, we can lead a culture that embraces gender diversity, inclusivity and emotional intelligence. Everyone  should be able to focus on the health of their mind irrespective of their gender , speak out when needed, and challenge harmful male stereotypes to live a more rewarding and satisfying life. ------------------------- Feel Free to Answer the Questions below! 1. How has toxic masculinity impacted your mental health and relationships? 2. What steps have you taken to challenge harmful norms and embrace healthy masculinity? 3. In what ways do you practice self-care and prioritize your mental well-being in your daily life? Sources-: Link 1 [] ( Clickable) Link 2 [,when%20injured%20or%20emotionally%20struggling.] (Clickable) Link 3 [,and%20values%2C%20regardless%20of%20gender.] (Clickable) Tags-: @spongebobishappy @Thoughtfulgrapes1163 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Asielntobserver @Tommy @CalmRoseBud @Bella20 Feel Free to tag anyone who might be interested in this post! 
Weekly Prompt #36: Can you list five things you love about yourself?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
10 hours ago
...See more Hello all!  Last week we discussed: What healthy coping mechanisms do you use to manage difficult emotions? []  []If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts.  [] This week's prompt-  Can you list five things you love about yourself?  We often find it easier to criticize ourselves rather than celebrate our strengths. But it is okay to practice self-love and acknowledge the positive qualities that make us unique individuals. So, let's reflect and list five things we love about ourselves. Also, I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to general support every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other. -------------------------
Can ignore idm
by Poeticmoonlight113
Last post
14 hours ago
...See more Lately has been iffy and I just find my staring a blank constantly. I've gone fully mute again and lately I've been hurt by so many people and I've lost so much trust in trying to get support from people. I just wonder why people ask me and then hurt me for how I feel or why when I accidently age regress to someone that they start copying me....on Thursday I lost a friend to the cruel world and I told one of my "friends" and 2 hours later they come to me saying they lost a friend the same way. Its not been the first time that I've been copied or its been a "coincidence". It just makes me so hesitant to trust now. How do I know who my real friends are? How do I determine who is fake or not 😕 I dont trust any of my friends. I cant trust anyone, even the people that I thought would always stick around me but I guess everyone is the same  Started my exams too, I did my first math exam last week and I have English this week. Im hating school so so so much lately, im being bullied all over again. I just sit in class with my headphones on not talking to anyone. I saw the demon from my past again recently and it was uhm interesting to say the least. I guess what I'm tryna say is this is all getting to much for me again and to heavy to cope with and as much as I'm trying I'm just failing and drowning within my problems.
"This or That" Group Game! Keep the chain going!
by Heather225
Last post
16 hours ago
...See more Let's play this or that! I will list two things, the first person to reply picks one and in the reply you list 2 new things and the next person to reply will do the same! Be sure to check the most recent reply and respond to that, but remember you have to keep the chain going by listing 2 things for the next person to respond to! I'll start!! Coffee or tea? Go go!
@Sunshiningandsoareyou- This is for you❤️
by amiableBunny4016
Last post
17 hours ago
...See more Please don't lurk/read messages or upvote/ reply to anything here if you're not Sunisshiningandsoareyou or AmiableBunny4016 ❤ This is a personal space.  ------------------------- @Sunshiningandsoareyou ❤️Helloooooo Sun buddy, Lol. I dunno if the tags work anymore but I am sure Sun's powers work somehow. I really hope you find this lol. Even tho i see you around, i miss you Sun. if I get really honest with you I miss you. I miss having the time to chat to you on forums. I miss asking how you are doing. I miss you Sun. So me made this space for the both of us to chat and chat and chat. and even if we dont reply immediately we can still check in on each other. ❤️ My sun buddy is never alone. hehe. how are you doing Sun ? Bunny
Advice on confidence building?
by Redfox124
Last post
20 hours ago
...See more Hi, I'm new here so I don't know if I'm writing this in the right place.  I'm going to write this here because I don't feel like I can tell anyone around me, because I don't think they would understand me.  I am a very shy person, with low self-esteem and lacking a lot of confidence, which is quite noticeable, I always think that others are right and that I am the dumb one, the one who doesn't know anything, the one who does everything wrong... The thing is that I am a fourth year medical student, which means that in 2-3 years I will be working as a doctor. Because of all that I have mentioned above, I am a person who gets very blocked mentally, who doesn't know what to do and who does not know how to react to external stimuli, which worries me because what if that happens to me when someone needs my help? What if I have to act in an emergency? How am I going to help people if I am not even able to react to everyday things. I really like what I am studying, but I would like to be able to act differently, to have more confidence in myself, to not care what others think of me... Does this make any sense? Also, I have a hard time making friends for the same reason. If someone speaks to me with a tone a little more aggressive than what I consider normal, I feel attacked and I feel very bad, I don't even know how to respond, or how to make myself respected, or set limits.  Does anyone have any advice on how I can start to improve, to build confidence in myself? I would really appreciate it :)
how do i get over my first, awful date!
by compassionateSquare7403
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more a few monhs ago, i got out of a long term relationship (3 years) and i recently have started getting back out into the dating scene. first ever date went amazing and the guy was so sweet UNTIL i trauma dumped and he left the date early and ghosted me. i asked him if he wanted things to just stay friendly and he said yes. i totally get it, and it was a bad move from me! but i cant stop feeling so embarrassed about that and he was kind of totally amazing. ive had great dates since (one that lasted 9 hours and was full of amazing conversation!!) but i cannot stop thinking about this date and feeling so much shame. how do i get over this??
Don't read unless u got notification tag from me ❤️
by Poeticmoonlight113
Last post
23 hours ago
...See more To// @iloveyouxx @Buddywinte @Optimisticempath @Tinywhisper11 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @LoveMyMoonflowers @theboymoana ❤️ Please dont read if you are not any of those tagged above ❤️ So yous probably don't want to hear from me and don't blame yous but idk I think I gotta say this and idk maybe it'll cause upset but it probably won't but uhm... I've been up all night thinking about cups and I dont feel like I should of come back to cups, dont get me wrong I miss it after awhile but then I come back and it just reminds me why I left.  I dont belong, I really dont and I'm not sure I ever will now. I miss yous all too much to fully leave but yous also have your own lives and I dont want anyone to feel forced to talk to me so yeah im just gonna go and try move on forever I guess.
Will making friends online make us feel better?
by Arham15
Last post
23 hours ago
...See more If yes then you can message me

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