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Shine Bright: I am SH-free for ____ Days
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Well done! 💪✨  (Number) days free from self-harm is a significant accomplishment.  Please take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience and celebrate with us. Here are a few points to reflect on and celebrate:  * What helped you stay strong these past few days? Was it a specific coping mechanism, a supportive person, or a personal mantra? Share your tips to inspire others. * What positive changes have you noticed since being SH-free? Maybe you have more energy, better sleep, or a renewed sense of hope. Reflect on the progress you've made. * What are you looking forward to in the future? Use this milestone as a springboard for setting new goals or focusing on activities you enjoy. * Write a message to your future self: What words of encouragement would you tell yourself for the days ahead? Start sharing with us. We believe in you. 
Things no one tells you about Self-Harm: Trigger Warning
by Jenna
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September 7th
...See more Everyone mentions the same things when they talk about self-harm. This is what I wish someone told me about self-harm before I fell into its tight gripping claws. 1) It's not only the cuts/bruises/burns/scratches that you have to hide. You have to hide the bloodied tissues, the used band-aids, the band-aid wrapper, and the thing you used to harm. 2) When you shower the dried blood drips out of your band-aid and down your body creating little dark red, almost brown, colored streams. It scares you at first because you think it's opened again. 3) It becomes an addiction. It becomes the only thing that helps. 4) It eventually doesn't help anymore but you keep doing it in the hope it will. 5) Your body will scar and at first, you will like it but eventually, you get sick looking at them. 6) On a bad day, you run out of space. 7) Your band-aids will soak through your jeans or top after a shower and make an obvious square or rectangle patch. 8) They start to smell bad if not looked after. 9) You constantly think about them. 10) Your sleep will hurt and every move you make will too when they are fresh. You act as you like it. You don't. 11) People will never take it seriously enough. 12) They itch like mad whilst they heal. 13) You eventually get frustrated if it has no effect. 14) You don't cry when you do it. You feel nothing. Not. A. Thing. 15) It's so so so hard to escape it. 16) It isn't beautiful. It isn't a fairy tale. It won't help you find love. It is a monster that ruins lives. Please think of all these things before you hurt yourself. You don't want to. I sound like a hypocrite because I do but trust me, you don't want to fall down the dark hole that I and many other people are already in. Put down your fist, blade, lighter, cut your nail short, and get help.
SHA #4: Calming Affirmations for Difficult Moments
by ASilentObserver
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March 22nd
...See more Hello all,  Group Support organizing the month of Self-Harm Awareness Week,  the focus will be on discussing general awareness, and support, and celebrating milestones and small steps. This will be an opportunity for all of us to come together and extend our support and compassion to all who struggling with self-harm.  Life throws its curveballs, and sometimes we feel like we're drowning. You might be feeling overwhelmed and lost, and in those moments, the urge to self-harm might arise as a way to cope.   When you find yourself in those moments, having a set of affirmations can help ground you and bring a sense of calm. Affirmations are powerful tools that can shift your mindset and provide comfort in difficult times. Here are some affirmations you can repeat to yourself when you feel overwhelmed or tempted to harm yourself.  * "This feeling is temporary. I will get through this."  * "I am worthy of love and support. I will reach out for help." You deserve to feel safe and cared for.  * "I am strong and capable. I have faced challenges before, and I can face this one too." You are more resilient than you think. * "My pain does not define me. I am more than my struggles." Pain is a part of life, but it doesn't have to control your existence. You are a complex and worthy person. * "I will focus on what I can control, my breath, my thoughts, and my actions."  * "There is help available. I will find a healthy way to cope." Self-harm is not the answer. There are healthier ways to deal with difficult emotions.  * "I am worthy of healing. I will take steps towards feeling better today." Start small, with one positive step towards self-care. * "I deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion, especially by myself. I choose to be gentle with myself in times of distress." * "I am not alone in this. Some people care about me and want to support me through this struggle." * "My worth is not defined by my struggles or mistakes. I am inherently valuable just as I am." * "I have the power to choose how I respond to this situation. I choose to respond with love and understanding towards myself." * "I acknowledge my pain, but I also acknowledge my capacity for healing and growth. I am worthy of healing." * "I forgive myself for any past mistakes or shortcomings. I choose to let go of self-blame and embrace self-compassion." Please know that affirmations are most effective when repeated regularly and with conviction. Find the affirmations that resonate with you the most and make them a part of your daily self-care routine. If you are struggling with self-harm, please reach out for support. You are not alone, and there is hope for healing. We are all here with you to listen to and support you.  If you have any affirmation that you use, please share it with us here. Also, let's discuss and share our experiences with affirmations during overwhelming moments. All thoughts are welcomed.  ------------------------- Other posts in the SHA series:  SHA #3: Role of Acceptance & Validation [] SHA #2: "Safe Plan" for people with self-harm issue [] SHA #1: Do you think self-harm defines you?  []
by meerahmerahh
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2 hours ago
...See more Basically there was this girl, went through my phone, found out I didn't like her, then went to my notes and found out I cut, told basically everyone. This happened a year ago or so, people can't forget the fact that I cut. It's so annoying.
Does it help?
by Em2457
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10 hours ago
...See more Does it help talking to someone or to a therapist? I wanna know your experience in therapy in this app. Are they helpful? ( I'm new to this app )
October Check In
by Kristynsmama
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11 hours ago
...See more
Nad few days
by LittleLife25
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18 hours ago
...See more Hello, im new to the app and am privileged to be amongst those who are achieving to be the best that they can be, but sadly I relapsed 2 days ago and I'm so disappointed in myself. If anyone had any recommendations on how to help the urge then I would greatly appreciate hearing them!
Self Harm Community Taglist
by Apeatrice
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21 hours ago
...See more Hi lovelies!How are you doing? *sending hugs and cookies* This is the Self Harm Subcommunity regular updating forum taglist. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words; Please add me. To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words ;Please remove me. ------------------------- By adding yourself to the list you can; * Get tagged regularly and notified by community leaders whenever a new thread has been posted in the community. * Become a more active member in the community. * Participate in subcommunity cellanges. ------------------------- (2024/10/1 by @Apeatrice) @Kristynsmama, @Apeatrice.
by considerateWhee
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1 day ago
...See more As the rose dried up it ignited the thought of a dreamer that was aching for its brim, the shards of petals were hurting me, it was painful, yet satisfied by how it created a distraction, The stem connected where it should be my pillar is no longer there, it did not stand up for me at a bit and left me hanging from what may cause this illness, I keep on telling myself that things are going to be better, that it is not what the almighty wanted and this is just a piece of his bigger plan but how long would it take for me to endure this?  The roots are dying and so am I, the passion that motivated me is gradually renouncing, I do not wish to be like this but I have no strength against a ton of illnesses that I have. The thorns that should keep me safe are no longer visible and of no use to me, the barrier that once my protection exposed me naked compromising half of my decayed presence, the wilted rose that once stood up for its beauty is slowly disregarded for it is weak and it can't survive the harsh environment, the tragic truth lamentable. 
by Celestine22
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3 days ago
...See more Hi everyone!  I'm so glad to be part of this 7cups community. I just wanted to share something about my past week. Since the end of last week it just felt that everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. The past year in itself has been very hard as I have been dealing with my boyfriend and his drug addiction. I just collapsed over the past weekend. I just couldn't take the hurting and pain no longer. I relapsed in SH fully over the past week.  I did it daily, multiple times, I couldn't stop myself once I started and last night I told my boyfriend about it as it was really scary and I saw myself going down a path I didn't want to go down again. I'm not sure yet how to get myself back up and back to normal. I will take the coming weekend to relax, do things I enjoy, watching my serie, read some books, draw, make art, do some yoga, put on some music and sing along maybe. Just take care of myself again and get ready for the coming week.  I just want everyone to know, that it's ok to not always be the strong one. I always feel like I am on myself, that I have to be the one helping and supporting others and it's hard to accept help and support for a change when I need it. It doesn't make you less of a person, asking for or accepting help makes you stronger, not weaker. you don't have to go through life and challenges all by yourself.  I hope everyone has a good day. Stay true to yourself and keep fighting :)
Shine Bright: I am SH-free for ____ Days
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Well done! 💪✨  (Number) days free from self-harm is a significant accomplishment.  Please take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience and celebrate with us. Here are a few points to reflect on and celebrate:  * What helped you stay strong these past few days? Was it a specific coping mechanism, a supportive person, or a personal mantra? Share your tips to inspire others. * What positive changes have you noticed since being SH-free? Maybe you have more energy, better sleep, or a renewed sense of hope. Reflect on the progress you've made. * What are you looking forward to in the future? Use this milestone as a springboard for setting new goals or focusing on activities you enjoy. * Write a message to your future self: What words of encouragement would you tell yourself for the days ahead? Start sharing with us. We believe in you. 
Hello guys!
by youarenotalonetix
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...See more I just wanted each and every one of you to know that you got this 💗 I’ve been clean for 1,5 years (almost) and i just came to say, whatever you are going through, it is okay to FEEL and everything is going to be okay 💗 There’s a saying that people have repeated over and over to me in my rough patches and at first I found it annoying but later found out it is very true - that’s the spirit I want to share with you today. ’’ Life if like a forever spinning wheel: once its up, once its down in the mud, but what’s for sure is that it will ALWAYS spin back up, and move FORWARD’’ Of course the wheel of our lives doesnt spin as fast as a car’s or something, but the key message of this is that maybe for a very very long time, we feel like its down in the mud for a very long timec maybe even spin back down there after a short period of time but there’s no such thing as STAGNATION in life. Life MOVES. Don’t give up your battles, it will get better 💗 It always gets better with time, since our life ALWAYS moves FORWARD, despite UPs and DOWNs 💗
Why do I walk in the rain?
by 4GetMeNott
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...See more Why do I walk in the rain? Because hidden within in it I can let go of pain. Why do I walk in the rain? Because honestly, most people don't When I walk in the rain the silence is my gain. No guilt no shame If I see someone who walks in the rain too, I wouldn't have to ask. Our pain dripping with the.rain as we pass. Why do I walk in the rain?
TW This girl made fun of me for sh and I have to room with her
by hopelessgreenEyes
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...See more TW!! I kinda need to get this off my chest but this girl last year had seen some of my cuts which this was last year I'm trying my hardest to stay clean. Anyway this girl this year saw some of my scars and laughed at me. She told me I had gotten better at hiding cuts and told me that they should be covered. But to her this is so funny and a joke. One of my friends told her off but she didn't stop. The rest of the class she made fun of me. The worst part was we had to do a project on how are summer was, (I was in a phych ward and extremely depressed). So I had nothing to say, she got super *** and decided to do her own thing all while saying I should cut myself. I immediately went to my advisor the next day and requested to change my class. (I actually got a class I wanted to take this year and made some friends so :)) But now I am being forced to room with her during a school trip. I'm terrified she'll see my scars or continue to make fun of me. The teacher in charge of this loves her to and I don't want to tell them what going on because all they will do is tell the councler and our counclers are horrible human beings. I have no idea what to do and its just a *** situation.  
Active listener ready to connect
by SamanthalivingthruFAITH
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...See more Hello everyone, I’m excited to be a part of this wonderful community! My name is Samantha and I’m passionate about being an active listener. I believe that everyone has a story worth hearing, and I’m here to support others on their journeys. As an active listener, I strive to create a safe and empathetic space for sharing thoughts and feelings. I enjoy engaging in meaningful conversations, asking questions to better understand perspectives, and offering support without judgment. Listening is a powerful tool, and I aim to uplift others through my presence. If you’re looking to talk, share your experience, or simply need someone to lend an ear, feel free to reach out! I’m here for you. Looking forward to connecting with you all! Warmly,   SAMANTHA

Hello, and welcome to the Self-Harm Recovery Subcommunity! It’s great to have you here, and we are proud of you for making the first brave step in reaching out for support. This is our supportive, safe and friendly environment, and we are glad to have you here 😃. Feel free to direct any questions to the appropriate leader of our community, which you can find at the bottom of the about section. ⭐️

🌟 Feel free to say hello and introduce yourself! Or if you want to just browse for now that is okay too! Take your time. We have several topics in our community such as the goals and success corner, recovery zone, support area and much more! Please use the relevant topic where appropriate so we can keep our community organised🌟

🌟 Please make sure to read through our community guidelines and browse our resources available 🌟

🌟 To join our community leadership team feel free to look through Here for the requirements and apply to join our team 🌟

🌟 Again, thank you for joining our community, and we look forward to seeing your progress on your journey! If you have any questions, please reach out to the relevant leader 😊

Community Guidelines

These guidelines are inspired by some communities around 7 cups! This is so we can adapt our little family to accommodate as many different life experiences and situations as possible. We recognize we cannot adapt to every circumstantial rule. However, we have outlined some of the common guidelines needed for our community. ❤️

✪ Please do not share any graphic images or descriptions of self-harm tools!

✪ Please do not mention the name of any tools used for self-harm in any area of the self-harm recovery community.

✪ Names of methods of self-harm are allowed to be shared in the group support room, but where possible please try to exchange a method name for the phrase "self-harm".

✪ When mentioning methods of self-harm or potentially triggering details of another topic in the forums, please put a trigger warning at the top of the post so people are able to click away from the post if they would like to. Additionally, please try to find an appropriate place within our forums to make your post. Certain areas are reserved for specific content, so please consider this when making your post.

✪ Pro-self-harm content will not be tolerated!

✪ Please be respectful to everyone, members and listeners alike.

✪ Remember, everyone's experiences are different. Please do not undermine or invalidate anyone's situation because it is not what most would consider "normal". We are a diverse community and have people from many backgrounds, so please always be respectful!

✪ General kindness, courtesy, and etiquette are heavily appreciated!

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