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L Novice 1
3.5 star rating
Number of ratings4 Number of reviews1 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceNov 30, 2016 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 7 People helped4 Chats7

I'm Jace. I am here to help you with anything you need. Mental health is something I feel like is overlooked a lot of times and it's one thing that should not be overlooked because for mental illness sufferers it is an ostracizing, lonely, and sometimes terrifying experience that they deal with every single day.

I personally have spent time in two different psych wards, the first time was in my sophomore year of high school when I got committed for suicidal thoughts and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a personality disorder, and they even suspected that I had schizophrenia.

The second time was when I was about 21 or so which is when my anger problems really started to rear their ugly head and I was committed for suicidal and homicidal thoughts. Now before you get all sensitive and offended, I am not homicidal, my anger problems were not under control yet and I was having bad thoughts about the many people who pissed me off. I wasn't planning any murders and wouldn't murder anyone so calm down.

About a year after that was when my alcoholism started, that lasted about 3 years before I realized I had a real problem. When I was 25 is when I had the wake up call from that. I woke up with a particularly rough hungover one day and , for once, realized that during my hangovers I would crave more booze. That is when I started taking steps to stop drinking, I tried the cold turkey thing which actually made me worse briefly but I managed to wean myself off it and it is still a daily thing, I think it always will be. It is a rare day that I don't think about drinking and in fact I think about drinking at some point of every day but I don't which is all that matters.