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Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
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My name is Heather (my nickname is H), and I head the 7 Cups Community Management Team (
list here). Please drop by my PMs if you have any feedback or safety concerns!

Fun fact: I have a bird! His name is Flip:


NOTE: I am unable to take chat requests as I cannot respond in a timely manner. To find a listener click the Browse Listeners. Listeners indicate if they are taking on new chats in their profile. The green dot indicates they are currently online. For urgent needs please join the general queue and the first available listener will connect.

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Recent forum posts
Mental Health Awareness Month 2024: Forum Discussions Maserpost
General Support / by Heather225
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3 days ago
...See more For your convenience, we have compiled a list of all our thoughtfully crafted forum discussions in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month []! 💚 Mental Health Stigma [] 💚 The Power of Words - Why Language Matters [] 💚 Building Support Systems [] 💚 Building Rapport and Trust with Others [] 💚 Compassion Matters [] 💚 It's Okay To Not Be Okay [] 💚 Be There for Them: Supporting Mental Health [] If I missed any, or you'd like to add some from your communities, leave a link in the replies! - There is still lots of space if you would like to host a group discussion or make a forum post! Click here for more information on how you can participate! []   []  [/sharer/sharer.php?]
Core Tips for New & Aspiring Leaders
7 Cups Leadership / by Heather225
Last post
30 minutes ago
...See more Volunteer leadership on 7 Cups is a unique and rewarding experience. You can learn valuable interpersonal and professional skills to carry into your life and have helped nurture our community in the process. Our leaders are the backbone of support to the daily operations of our platform, and thousands of caring volunteers over the years have built up and shaped our community today. The leadership experience is also one of constant learning. Being mostly peer-powered, there’s always something new to pick up. I’d like to impart some of the basics that are often asked about. Self-care If you need to take a break for any reason at all, please do! Let the community know in our official Farewell/Break/Return post [], and bookmark it to update when you return! If you’re on a team, inform the respective leads and anyone else who may miss you! A note on changing, leaving, or returning to roles There are many valid reasons to step down from a leadership role. Perhaps you've achieved your goals, need a change of pace, or simply want to focus on different aspects of the community. It's important to be honest with yourself and put your needs first. Your team will not be disappointed in you; you’re not letting anyone down. We risk burnout if we continue to do something we’re not in a position to do. We would be proud of you for knowing your limits and not overextending yourself — this is a critical part of setting boundaries. The door does not close behind you when you step away or step down. You can always return. Leadership on 7 Cups is not a linear or fixed path. We support you at every stage in your journey. Outreach Outreach in the context of 7 Cups is the act of proactively communicating to inform or engage a specific group of people, to build relationships, collaborate, raise awareness, or promote an initiative.  Want to contact people who might be a good fit for your project? Want to let people know about a new initiative? Looking for feedback? Outreach is your biggest tool, proven most effective through PMs. To learn more about conducting outreach, see our general guide []! Note: Teams may have their own guides on how to do outreach in their specific domains so ask your leaders! Team leads: If you can focus most of your effort on 1-1 effective outreach (follow the guide), make sure to create a personalized message for your target audience and pair it with speedy onboarding, you will increase the possibility of getting many more leaders! The only downside is it can be tedious. However, Project Agents are great stepping-stone roles and they could act as outreachers for your programs. Communication is Everything! Communication is the bridge that connects every one of us. We depend on clear communication to know what’s happening in each other’s worlds, to meet deadlines, to avoid misunderstandings, and work together better. In my experience, all the biggest problems usually stem from a lack of communication, but thankfully this is a very fixable problem if we simply talk! And believe me, there is no such thing as over-communication here! - I hope this advice helps you in your journey as a leader with us! Please add more in the replies below!
MHAM: The Power of Words - Why Language Matters for Mental Health
General Support / by Heather225
Last post
...See more The words we use both on ourselves and others have the power and influence to impact our mental well-being and our attitude about the world. The way we talk to ourselves shapes our inner critic and self-esteem. It took years of self-talk to train myself out of negative and judgemental language: "I'm a failure" was one of my biggest problems. Labeling myself a failure fueled my insecurities and made it hard to try again, to keep trying, and to believe in myself.  I worked consistently on reframing how I thought, catching myself in these moments. I reminded myself that setbacks are part of learning, and the lessons learned are what matters. Gradually, this shift in language made a real difference in my mindset. Another type of detrimental language is the stigmatizing language around mental health conditions that can make people feel ashamed or reluctant to seek help. Using inclusive and respectful language can create a more supportive environment. e.g. "They're addicted." - > "They struggle with substance abuse." "They're homeless" - > "They are experiencing homelessness / they are unhoused." The right words can be incredibly validating and empowering. e.g. "I'm depressed," - > "I'm experiencing symptoms of depression. I'm going to reach out for help." Now it's your turn! We all have a story about how language has impacted our mental health. Have you ever found yourself using empowering or disempowering language? Can you recall something negative you've said about yourself, and something you can say to counteract it and come out with a healthier mindset?
Mental Health Awareness Month: Help Wanted (Hosts & Writers)!
Group Support / by Heather225
Last post
...See more Hi, community! Mental Health Awareness Month [] is in full swing and we still need volunteers to help raise awareness! 🌟 Help us to host more group discussions! We need more support to organize and host more discussions on topics related to Mental Health. If you are willing or interested in helping us, please sign up through this sheet []!  🌟 There's also the option of pursuing our expansive topics library and doing a pop-up discussion (i.e. a discussion anytime YOU want, as spontaneously as you want): check out the Pop-up discussion format []. 🌟 If forums are more your thing, you can also help us create forum discussions. Sign up for them here!  [] - Cheers, your name in a shoutout post, and a badge will be awarded for your teamwork! Leave questions below or send a PM to myself, @ASilentObserver or @CheeryMango
Mental Health Awareness Sessions: Social Anxiety Discussion (Wednesday the 8th)
General Support / by Heather225
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...See more MHAM Month [] is in full swing and I will be participating by hosting a session on Social Anxiety! When: Wednesday, May 6th 1PM EST for teens & 3PM EST for adults Where: General Support Room Please consider signing up to host a session or write a forum post to amplify our efforts to cover as many mental health-related topics as possible (HERE). []
Mental Health Awareness Month: It's Okay Not to Be Okay
General Support / by Heather225
Last post
2 days ago
...See more May is Mental Health Awareness Month [], but taking care of your mental health is important every single day. This month is a great reminder to check in with ourselves and each other. Remember, it's okay not to be okay. The struggles we face and the sometimes overwhelming emotions we feel do not make us weak - they make us human. There's no shame in admitting you're not doing great. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. Your journey is uniquely yours, incomparable to anyone else's. When it's sunny in their world, you may be battening down the hatches for the storm of your life, and maybe in a few days the sun will break through. The point is: you don't need to stamp down your emotions. You don't need to put on an act. We accept every part of you. We may not be able to make it go away, but we can sit with you as reassurance that you are not alone. I wanna hear from you! In the replies below, say it with me: "it's okay not to be okay!"  If you have any other mantras you use, please share! Let's show one another that we stand for them, through thick and thin. 💚
Upcoming Community Events: May!
Community Projects & Events / by Heather225
Last post
May 6th
...See more May is a very special month for us as a community: Mental Health Awareness Month! This year's theme is "Where to Start: Mental Health in a Changing World." As mentioned in this month's Community Update [] and in the official MHAM Announcement post [], we are inviting you, the community, to participate through volunteering to pitch in and/or simply showing up to the various groups and forums events in support. Over the course of the month, as activities get plugged in, we'll be adding them to the May tab (linked) []  I'd like to ask that if you are volunteering for an event (sign up form here) [] please reply to this post to let us know so that we can put it down on the calendar and ensure you get plenty of traction and attention!
Feedback & Reviews
H is the beary bestest ever! 🐻💜 Thank you for being you, H!
Heather really nice help me when having really hard time in group chats and good listening when having problems
Heather is the best :)
They are really supportive. They care about the community as a whole.
Heather is an absolute star of 7cups! She has inspired so many and myself and is so supportive and caring of others!! Heather is beautiful and amazing ❤️she is thoughtful and caring towards her peers and no doubt she is a wonderful leader!
She answered my question.
So giving of their time. It was nice to see them today on site. I know they have a lot of duties and obligations, they must do, but still they were able to spend some time with members. What an amazing person.
H is thoughtful and insightful, and able to solve things efficiently.
An amazing person. Cares about others feelings, not too many of those left and admits when things do not go according to plain, not too many of those left either. They are amazing and I am so grateful they are in the position of Community Director here at 7cups. So glad Glen and his team brought Heather (H) on board. We are so lucky and blessed to have them here.
Amazing person. Very kind. So helpful and thoughtful.
Sweet person. Has a calmness about them.
Amazing Person. So down to earth. A great friend. An amazing Community Director. Always there when you need them. Hard working. Has a heart of gold. Knows a lot about 7cups. Has a passion for helping others. They are a leader among leaders. A very humble, but a very wise leader. Always, makes time for others. I hope they stay at 7cups, for a long while.
Good support very individually approach
Very helpful and supportive.
wonderfully helpful
She is an understanding person.
She is pretty and fair.
Heather is AWESOME
Awesome Listener and Great Admin and just one outstanding human being !!! Thanks so much H !!
Thank you for taking the time!
very kind and understanding and patient and attentive
Actually cares about each and every person she interacts with
yeah shes great!
Very good listener! I like her very much! She's attentive and care for you. highly recommended
A warm heart... thank you ❤
Really an A+ Listener!
Nerves of steel. I bow to you
Amazing listener :) Very thoughtful and considerate. Helped me a lot in solving my problems.
best there is !
Badges & Awards
91 total badges
Magnet Peppermint Sage Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Ellen Depression Surviving Breakups Peter Pan Listener Oath ATL Self Harm Alcohol & Drug Abuse Community Mentor Leader Verified Listener Sleeping Well Love Bug Light Chat Tiny Chat Small Chat Chit Chat Big Chat Voice Talker Communicator Speaker Orator Ray of Hope Shining Light Florence Nightingale Affirmative Listening Ace Active Listening Schizophrenia ADHD Social Anxiety Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar 7Cups Guide 12 Steps Community 101 Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Mod Star Doorkeeper Mediator Mod Mod Siren Mod Squad Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Steadfast Soul III Meet & Greet Proudly Proactive I Proudly Proactive II Proudly Proactive III Proudly Proactive IV Reconnection Hero I First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Forum Flag Team Forum Admin Wiki Team Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound Fall 2018 Events Feeder Safety Support New Mom Support Needs Reply Team Continuing Education Tulip 7th Birthday Party Leadership Trainee Soul Searcher Admin Path Builder 9th Birthday Party 10th Birthday Party 7 Cups Leader IDG Cupsgiving